







2018-08-10 11:46:50来源:网络

  24. Do you agree or disagree that college students should do an internship before graduation? (07. 5.18考题)

  Sample answer: I think it’s a good idea for college students to do an internship before graduation.

  First, an internship provides practical work experience. It offers students a great opportunity to connect the classroom learning to the world outside.(理论与实践相结合) Also, this can help students either confirm a career choice or make a decision to choose a different path. And that would be an informed decision about whether they are interested in a particular career. ( ?6 ~1 R+ u2 \9 @7 s Furthermore, students who have completed internships would find employment more quickly following graduation. And they are more likely to be employed within their fields of study, and are more satisfied in their jobs. Therefore, I agree that college students should do an internship before graduation. ! {, t& C! I; U u) R7 N3 O& {! Y : h. o& N3 E9 f9 t9 d0 z8 U: R5 n

  25. Do you agree or disagree that students will learn more when they have discussions? (07. 6.24考题)

  Sample answer:: I agree that students should participate in discussions in class. Through two-way discussion, the teacher is able to know what are the difficult parts for the students and then easily help them solve the problems. Likewise, the students can have more opportunity to communicate with the teacher and report their difficulties in time. Thus, Both teaching and learning can be effective. Meanwhile, the students can get a better understanding of teamwork and thus enhance their friendship. Most of all, the interactive class can achieve a better and more harmonious study atmosphere. This, in turn, would promote the efficiency. That's why I think discussion in class is a good idea for students. 26. Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one year's time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision. Do you agree or disagree? What’s your opinion? (07. 8.11考题)

  Sample answer::As far as I'm concerned, I think a gap year is a good idea for college students. Going away instead of directly going to university would provide them with a different and great experience. They would have the opportunity to see different things and know more about life. Taking a break from study is not only beneficial for their body, but also for their mind. It's like self–refreshment. After the break, they would be eager to return to college with a fresher outlook and clearer mind. Sometimes they may think more, connect their real world experience to their schoolwork and thus improve their efficiency. Somehow, students who take one year off either to work or to see the world, always wind up going back to school with more incentives(动力) to get more out of their education. ( m G8 I6 {: |. i So I think of taking one year off as a way of rejuvenating(使恢复,使更新) oneself.

  27. Some people choose a major that may gurantee a good job. Other people choose a major out of their personal interest in that area. Which do you think is a good idea and why? (06. 8.26; 07. 3.3考题)

  Sample answer:These two aspects of choosing a major both have their merits, but I still think choosing a major out of personal interest is a better idea. To begin with, interest is the best teacher. Only when people show great interest in that particular area, they can do well in their academic career. In addition, interest leads to involvement and involvement leads to enthusiasm and more response, which is very important for a student who’s pursuing a better future. What’ s more, long-term success depends on performance out of vital interest. Interest in the subject encourages them to take an optimistic view-point and continued action to accomplish their goal. Even when facing tough problems, they are able to tackle them and move forward.In closing, I agree with the idea of interest being the most important consideration of choosing a subject.








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