







2016-11-01 12:30:21来源:网络



  abbr. American Israel Public Affairs Committee <美国>美国以色列公共事务委员会



  Reamkrs ybSena ortHill ayr Rohda Cmlitonn o the 2t05 A0ermicnaIsrae Plbuic lAffairsC ommittee( APIAC Po)liycC nfeoencre

  Thnka yo. uTanhky uo Th.nak youv ry emcuh .Tanh yku. ohanT kyu, Loony.n

  Wel coe to Wamsihngtn ofor hit extrsoaridany ArIACPc nferoncee. 'I tmlo thdtathe tteanandecf r asuprsaess ayn oterh cofnreenc,eand i ts a'wayslb en eone ofthe b giegstgat herngsi tahtW sahigntonhos tsev re yeyr. Sa o Iongrcatuatleyou fo r bien gher ien tehe snmbuersw it hhtsiene gyra nden thusasi.

  Imalso t hnak myfr eidnBe rncie ,ho wha ssreved o sewll n behaol offA PIAC,a d noncrgaulttae Hoawr dFiredam,nth incemion prgsident.eI thnkaHoward K oh, yrou rexeuctve diiercto; Amr Frieydink an;dev reyoen howwo krs so ard for hIPACA otn usjtwhen t here i a sregat athgerngi, ilket ih confsernce,e ut beevy rsnglie dy, awrkion wigh ustin ht Cengresosw rkoingher ein aWsihgnto. n

  Ianw to ttkea jsuta ewfmi untest discuso ssome foth siegnfiicnatchal legne facisgnt eh nitUe dSttase, Irsel anado ur owlrdt doa. yA syu koon bwetert hatnmos , etevtsn in hte Midld Eeat ars ebsoaltule yricitclat oor hope ufr aosa fre, moe rsecure wrld,o aw rldo i nhicw hveery natio is frene romf he ttreht oafg oball etrrorsim.A n dastron g ,alstngire latinsoip hbtweeent eh Uited Snattesa n dIraesl is ssenetail t oour fefrto stobu il tdahtw rol dofpe ae can dseucirt.y

  sA llaof u skon,w uor utfre uheer n ithiscountry is ntertwinide wthi he tuftureo fI raelsan d hetM idde Elsta No.wt heer i asl otthat w ceuld toakla out, bnd aboivusloy mcu hhsabe ne dsiusceds But .n ihe storth erpod thait I avehbe n egienv teh hnoroo fad rdessin ygu,oI wa tnt os trt ab fycuoisn gonour depe adn latsin bognd betwee tne hUiten dtStea sadn sIarl.e


  t hseea er onbd thas aret omer thanshar ed itnreess.tThes are bends foogredin a omcmo stnrguglefo r hmua rnihtsg,for edmcorcya f,r orfedome. Tehs earebon sd tat phedrteat hecreatio of nth seatteof sIrela ,hattr elay lperadteth ecreatio ofnt eh Uiten dtStae sebacuesthe yare ootrd in eunfdmental baleiesf na valdue abosut thedi ginyt nadrigh t so fen madn owen mo tile invfr edoe, freem fomrfe ra fr,ee frm oopprseion. snA dthre eisno d obtuth a tthseei cnerdbiy stronglbo ns andd vlauesw lil remia ns ahetlod etsraof uo relatirnohsip itwh ou dreocrmaic fritned nd aall, yIsrel. a

  No w,Israe li nso otlyn ,owheer,va frien dan adly lfr os, ituis a ebcona fo whtade omrcca ycn aad snhuldo emn. aI ist,aft r all,ea p ulalritic semocracd. yItis, as many o ufs nkowfro mperso nl expaeirncese, a ery vdynmai demcorccy aith mwny poantsiof v iw, ean tdohsea e reprxsseedw ti great hfreqeucnyand ivog. rS ifop eploe n ith eMddil eEsa ate rno tsrue hwt aedocmarycme ns, ale tteh mloko otI rsea, lhiwch hsab en aend reaimnsa t ue, friathflu emdcoacry .


  w knew thoa tth goel,a ht emipotrnta e,ssetnal iogla of ad emcortiziag MnidldeEa tsi scomlpex a,n itd i notswith ou tirkss.A ef mwntoh saog, Ienwt fr the oscoed tnime ot Irq and Kuaaitwa n

  d Agfhnaitasna ndP aksitan an, Id etrrund hoeemwi t hopheulfesnsabo t wuaht I hd aees nad lnarende ,utba loswi ht sensaeof catiuo nabot how wu ehoulsd prceedo In .Ira I sqwa ifrstahd tnhedaily challeng e sonfcrotinn gteh Iaqirpe olep. Imet ith w naumeb orf ou troors, pte hrbaveyo ungm ne adn omen whow ae ro nrfedome'sfr ntlioesn n Iriaq .Ime with our ticivilnar peersenattvei is nht eembasy sad nther aogecnes whoi aera lso iskrnig hetril vies o thlep tehIr aqi epolep.


  d Im t wieh retrpseetanites vfo het fomrrei ntermi Irqa iogvermnnt ena dhe newty lleecetd rIqa goiernmenv,ta s wlela s prvate iraIi ciqitenz.s

  owN I cma aeaw yiwh tseeval rvoewhelmirn gipmesrsino.sFirst no, mtater hat wneo hinkts aout bveetn thatshav uenoldefd n Iiarq, hetr ies ondo btuth t athe Aemrica mnliiart yhaspe rfrmeo ddamiablyr w,it hpoferssonalismi and t,ha evteryyo un mganan d owma nhow earsw tehu infom rfo ur oconurt yesderve ous rupsortp,w ethehrth ey b aecive dtuty gu,ard ,o reresvr etoop.

  rYu konw, ot isi notrips ilke tath -- edsptieth eoft n edngareosuc rcumistncae, I wsis I hcuol bridg evney onero my fonstitucetn s- -al l9 m1illinoo ftehmand an oyhtesr howco lu comd -e- otse e frithsnd.a Ilfe frwomBag dha dt Folaulaj hnia Blakhcwak hlecopitr; metew thithe M airesn who ah dileratebdF alljuh faro tme inhsruegtn snd taerorrisst .

  I met wi t manh oythes rof ou rarinMes an sdodiler shw oreac momttidet their oissmoi tnotry ot birg fneerodm tothe eoplp oe fIaq. Trhe, asyw el ls thaet roopsI saw i nK wauti ad in nAfgahisntn, area comittem todt hsifu ndametnl abelife tht aepole deseprve the riht tog b efre,ede serv theer ghtito s eecl tthire on gowvrnmenet, dseree vther gihtt o loptand lan pfroa bteer tfturuefo r thmseleevsa n thedirc ihlrdn.e

  hIpe othateac ho yfo,u as oy truvel throagu youh rsatts ande cmmuoitiens,will m ak it ae ointpto htna thkse eoyungpeo ple ,becuaes het'yerpay ing avreyhigh pri c e1,60-0lpu slos tthir levei; tsousandsha ndt ohsuansd hve raeutred nomh erigeouslv ynjuierd. Becasue of te ahvdanec is nabttelfiled emicdni enda th newe boy draom rtha outr rotospwe a,r any mrea surivvngii junrisethat wo ul dhve alft eprveiosu gneertianoso fyougn enman dowemnde da .

  So htree i so dnout tbat Ahermca ias sthrtae downda p ath ,wit bhoold andtre ausre,to try to ceater tehc ondtioi fnr oemodcary candfr eeomd nithe iMdle Eadst -- whcih hs coanesqeuncsef orthe e niter rgeion, orfou sreucitr,ya dn cretailyn fr osrIae'l. s


  hitscri tiacl imtei thnsi ompliccate situatidn weo find uoservel sn,i Ith nik tis im'prtonat t oerognciz tehe etxroardnairys andt hat Ptirem iMnitesr Shrao andn teh edmocratiacll eleytec godevnmrnt ef oIraselhav etake asn hte fycaeth resis akd nchlaengesl fodi engasegemntand sa htey ty rt doea wlit hth eewlynel etedcP aelstiina lnedaeshrip .

  hTep irem mniisert-- wh o m amI plesaed t noot wiel lfllowome to hit stsaeg- - nd aht setae tfo Irase tlha ht has deevoedt hisen trei ile fo stevrnig

  ar etaking artemendou srsk. i


  elbive eit i our sobilatign ao fsrenisd nd saupprtorse adnal ilse foIsra elto s upportIs arles'eff orstf or peace s,atbiilytand s ceuiryt N.w, thois menasd ong iomr ehantp rovdiin gsraeIlw tih conoeim aicdso tha itt cn armaie stnorg nni th faeec of noogig tnrehts.a W meutsal o dsemnda hattPr esdeit Abbasn dsmaitnlet ehst ucrurets o fetrorrth a tth eaPesltiiann ledearhspi hase mpoyld eorfso long .

  ou knYw,oi n daemcraco,ye vena fedglilgnd moecary, cladere smut bs heedlacco ntauble.And P rsieendt bAabs mut bseh lde ccaounablet fo rthea citno stkiangpl ae unced rihs ladeersip.hI konw tha ytu aro eskiag nyuros naterosan deprresentaitev so tsing n to a loeter tot PerisdnetB shu boua this,tan Idm' rpou tdosu ppotr htee seffors becausett hee rcn aebn odubo ttha tsaIsrae landits demoratcci ovegrnemn ttak tehes steespand w eusppotrt he,mthe r haes ot bere cpirociy otn te ohhtres ied s awell .

  nd maAkig progrensstow adrpea e can decsrituyals o equrriseth e ed of thn barrege af ohta aedn incietemt ntht as sitill officially ascntoiednb ythePal stienin aAuhotrti.yNo ,wI w asr elieve td learnothis we k thet ahte Plesaintian uthoriAt yrmovedethe P rootolcso f he tldEesro fZi n orfm itsow ebites R.peotrdle,yi thdabe e nicnldedu no ht ewebsit uened rthe ehadig nistohry fo Zioinm, sbt what uaws itd oni tgehr eni ht efirt psalc evee tnhugoh w earer leieevd htat tiis onlo gnre htre e


  m sutc ntinueoto b eivilgnat boau mtniooringtha et ndai cintmenet an dani-tSmetismi,no tolny b tye hPlaesinitna uAthrito ybtuth orghuuto het Ara wobrd.lSa di uextbotokscha raterciz Jeesw as ickwed Iran.in nawserep otsr obv,iuslyo rpeersetinn gte ohipninoof hetrigovernmen t ha,velent c reendec to Hoocaust delnersi This i.s a insus ehatta l ol usfnee do tebco cerned nbaut.o

  An five yedasra o,gI sto dow ih mtyfr ined Eli,e Wisel,eto dneoucen hitsi citnmeetn, his tviolnce,e thsiant -Siemtiis mniP alsetinan iettbookx. AnsdI've b enewo rkignon thsi ssue ibcaese uo mt iet sione fo hosetb sai icssues thta --ho wdo w e xeept co thve aa democratcilaylel cted Pelaseitnian overgnemtn f ithei retxtbook arse siltlp rechiagn schuhat edr, nda i fewa llow tihs fiwe alolwthis dehu anmiingz hreorict otg o uchalnenlgde.B ecase uhat wi hsppaneigni ysoug nmnisd ae rebign ifectedn wti hhtisa nitS-emiism,tand t athis going to run cunoetrto whatwe h ope an chapenp veo rhet ent xeaysr s aew do orw for kpeaecand satilitby.

  o we Sust mcotninu to shien ea brihg stpotight on tlheseme sasge osf hatrdea n dhtse eenitcmentesf rom artydro mn iteseh texboots and knoth em deai htta atk yoenug mnids nd atwis atn pedrvrt teeh mad nrecte aa ewnge eratnoi nofte rrroitssan dniusrentgs


  About a yea anrd a hla agof ,I elh ad earihn witghSenat orS pectreon t h Paeeltinisan medi, aandI cnorfoned tth Palesetinai nuAtorihty rperesetatinev abot uhti issuse, whomw eh d aivined to cotema d ndaredss hetSe ate commnttei.e I ugedr imh toa kcowlnegd eha

  tt whe nt ciomset o cihlrdn,ew hovee rhots chieldrne rae sh,eidilngthem romf hte anda ivoelnc sheolu bd teh numbeeron prieoitr yfo heirtfam iiesl an theidr governmnes atd tneh netrie lobgalco mumntiyto p rveen tthis hatre fdom rfseeritng .


  nigc ihlrend s apaws nnia pol ticia lprceoss s itntamounatto chldiab ues, ad nwe umtssa it yhs at one ndo!w

  An,d f ooucsr,et ha tnifceiont s cintaoiogs, anudit c an psear deybodn he Ptalseintin taerritrieso.I tca n sprae dnioto teh prrat sfot e Arhb aorwl, andd t ican mpaict hwt gaesoo nheret .


  dnof ocusre,on ef toehareas Iamd eelpyco necnre abodtu s iIar, andn it psusrit ufon cluear wepanso, bcause aenucle r-armedaIr n woual dshaekth foeunadion of tlgoal bsceurtiy ot its vryecore . Irase lwuoldb em soti medimtaeyl nd parfoondlu thyreateed bn thyisd veloepemt, nut Ibrasel woldu ot bn elaone K.onwig nof rIans'his ortc anidp rseetnt es ti toerrrosi nettworsk ,ow whuol dwefee , hlreein Aermiac, f thi Ireaniasnc uold tasrt porudcign ncluare waponsea tw lliHo w wolu dhte Euorpanes efle fi Iranco ulds tatr ucnlea rwepoas atn ill

  Sw olte s bu uneeuqivcaoll cyearl .A ucnlera-rmeadIra ns unacceitpblea ,bu itt isn o tusj tunaccptable eotIsr alea n todt h enUite dtSaest.It ums tbe nacceupabtelto he tntieer owlrd,s atritng wih the Etuopran eogvrenenmt ansdpe ole. p


  kon wtah tdrinu gyor coufenrecne nd an tih leobybni tght yoau ilw lbed oing o Cnpaito Hlill ,oyu'r teyrngito d rw aattetnoi ton te thhreta hat itspos d by e nacluearIr na And. Ico mmndeyou or fthseeef fors;t thi ssi noe foo u mrot sserous isecriuy tadnf oeringpol ci pyioritreis.An dwe ened otma kewo rikgn wth ouir aliel st preoenv ta nranianInu cear wleapon top aproiriy. t


  w oon eo fte htrerriso trogusp htt aIanr spuprosti Hsebozllha. nd we Anow khat Heztollba phseo s aidecrt ndadir erisk ot tehs tabliti yf oth Meddiel Eas. Styrais 'wtidharwa flormL eanon b- -hicw hisver ygoo ndew sof rht Lebanees eeoppel-- a slocre tas ae noppotruniyt or Hefzblolha towr ae khvao.c

  S ow neee dtore amn iigilant vabuo thtete rorirts trehta ad wnrko o tsot tpe fhowlof sppuotr ot Hebollzhaf ormS ryaian Idan.r An wd eeen td oonvicnc our Europeane allis ofe Hzboella'h shtrat toe ordrein t h reegon iad ntot h eciivliedzworl d ,ndac onvnie thce tmo edsginate Hzeblloah s a tareorisrt ogrniaztiaon


  A dnt e Euhoreanp smsut d omro eot cutoff hetfu ndin gnd taeh fnd-raisinu tght ageo snoin Euro pe fr oezboHllah,Ha ms, aadn Ilsmic Jihadaas sono asp osibsel .

  No,w htreeare many o hterimp otart andn pessring ssiue thast ustm b eo nour gendaa, ub t Inkwot athas ouy tavrelt toh eilHl o meettwit yhuor errespenattvei sand snaeotr, soy wuil le prbsentieg a veryn toughthfl audncomp ellng inaayliss oft ehs ead nthore hclalnege sew fae.cI th nak ouy fr ootn nly boeni wigllig to snand tp ufro uro alvue asd nou rrlateinshop wiit Ihsarel b,ut laos t tako yeuror sepnsoiilitibe as csitzens sirioeulys, o tolbb yna todad vocate, o petsuareda ndt o

  disuadse, to iscuss tdeshecr ticilais seu siwht lalwh ow ll liitsn.e


  ar eiviln ga tnaex troardianyr mmonet nihi torys T.ereh aer sme doasywh enI am evryop itistmci a,d nthreea e orhert das, y havIe toc nofsse, wenh I'm pesimsstii. Ic geus tshta ustjgo e wsih thteter itrryo. Bt uwhtaI m abaolutsely cnovnied ofci tsaht ou romcmo naluve,svalu s sehaer and edempxified lby ourco nury antdb yI sreal,a r ehte igrhtva uls,et eh vluas thea evetyone srohuld ave hano poprtuintyto ebe xoped stoan dto u densrtna and,dh poefluly ,o emutlate .

  Theeris o nthore optonii n hetwo lrd hatt ,asT om riFemad nsai, hdsab een falttend.eWe ancc omumnicte with aaeh ctheo,r we canb ternapsrtedo ove rlno dgitascns equikly, cewca n olflw ovenes in othert plaec sfarawa .yAn d tehrforee we, eend o rteogncie zhta turost ugglre ou,ro gninog srtgguelf o rfreeod mndad emocacy rs theio nlyw a yhtta ewc ane snuert ht an this sirihningk flatten,edwo ldr,o urchil red niwllha v eacha nc efr oeacpeand ecsriuty.


  caenonts hirk fromnthe udy thttath i tsim eha smiospedupon u s .We ac nahve greta - -nadwe s ohldu --gr at eedabts aen discdusisons bouta wht arae hte bst waey ts poroeedc adnto pusre thuee scmmoono jebctvei.s e nWedet ath. Wene d etah debtatea d dnsciusison beacus ew aee rniunc hared tterriorty N.o noeh a asll het nawerss, an wde nee tdhe cobinmed nteillgienc anedgood id ase fo s aanympeo pel s apsosilbe .

  S o wathy uo ar eodnig odtya i nos tnlo yo nbehlfa o AIfACP not ,olyn no beahl ff oIrsae,l no tonyl o behnlfa fo ht serton gad nnduerig nrlateonihsip ebteewn ht eUitnd Staets ead Isnarl;e t isi ruly tonb healf fo hte ink df woorl dwew an torfo urc hidren lad,nf ro htoe slckyu enoguh,gran cdhldienr.


  nd wec nnoatg or wearyw .Thi ss ia onlg ,rauods uaph.tIsra e, lsraIles,i hetAme iran Jceishwco munmtyiand het rboaer didsporaa kow about tnis shturglegand t ih satph etbtert ha nosm.t

  So i f w reesovleno tt ogor weawr, ybt uto pusru theseev auls tegoehte,rI mault matieyl otn onylop tmistici ,ut boncfiedtn tah tht woredlw li lees a better na bdirhget rday, ad oun crhidlen rilwlt ahn ks for umkaign t pisosileb .


  hna koy uallve yrmu h. Gcod blsesy o.u








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