







2017-06-14 17:46:56来源:网络





  As they travel inland atspeeds in excess of 60 feet a year, they merge with the rich grass andscattered trees of the savanna.



  高度, 海拔

  Each pixel of the image is associated with information such as altitude, latitude, longitude and distance from the observer.




  This allows the integration of two or more enterprise architectures for collaboration within the ecosystem.




  Derricks are scattered here and there on the boundless plain.




  Once the fire is out, the grass and shrub ecosystems should return quickly.




  Prolong the sponge along the longitude and latitude at an altitude.


  resist, stand up to


  Obama promised he would strengthen the levees so that they can withstand strong hurricanes if he is elected president.




  If it turns out that some of the changes conflict with one another, the merge is considered nontrivial, because someone must make decisions about which of the conflicting changes should prevail.




  The goals of compliance should not be to reach the minimum requirements but to exceed them.








  No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation.




  There was another example, and that was the famous case of the alleged contract between Iraq and Niger for the import of yellowcake, uranium oxide.








  What you eat and drink, from childhood on, is critical to the amount of calcium in your bones.




  Carbonate is what corals, the shells of shellfish and the outer layers of many photosynthesising plankton and other microbes are made of.



  酸度, 酸性

  When talking about dinner in comparison to breakfast and lunch it should be light on stomach and should not include spicy dishes that cause gastric problems and acidity.


  especially,in particular,significantly


  Notably, all this work is open source, and has been since before open source came into high fashion.




  He says not only does arsenic belong under phosphorus, I predict that there is an element that lies below aluminum and above indium.




  So, if we want to get more magnesium into the marketplace at an affordable price, not by government edict, what do we have to do?




  I let the silver nitrate react with pieces of brain hardened in potassium dichromate.




  He says not only does arsenic belong under phosphorus, I predict that there is an element that lies below aluminum and above indium.




  The waterlogged ecosystem is most prevalent in the cool, moist climates of northern North America, Russia, the Tibetan Plateau, the British Isles, Scandinavia, and Patagonia.




  I have seen a lot of contradictory statements out there in light of some of his meetings.




  Some water distilled over the rocks from the moist undergrowth.




  extreme, immoderate

  A moderate increase in both investment and consumption will play an active role in stimulating the market.




  This could be seen in the way he treated practical aspects of his work. Providing for adequate drainage and other engineering considerations mattered as much as arranging surface features.




  Sinkholes can form when water-saturated soil and other particles become too heavy and cause the roofs of existing voids in the soil to collapse, Currens said.




  One particle comes to you and the other comes to you.




  Because water is the softest substance in the world, but yet it can penetrate the hardest rock or anything -- granite, you name it.




  They designed an electrode made from porous carbon and lithium oxide.


  rough, crude


  smooth, fine

  Patterns not only help us in sharing and consuming best practices, but also take us forward in the next step of coarse-grained solutions.



  质地, 纹理

  Gather some leaves which have an interesting texture and shape.




  You do not have to do anything else to get your application to connect to the database at run time, which is often a complex and error-prone task.




  Although there is still some debate about what concentrations of chemicals leach into food from plastics at high temperatures, for me, it was worth $20 in glass bowls to not Raised by residents of the park, goats graze freely on wild vegetation during the lush months of rain, then are rounded up when the dry season arrives. have to think about it.




  Raised by residents of the park, goats graze freely on wild vegetation during the lush months of rain, then are rounded up when the dry season arrives.







  炭, 木炭

  The commando blackened his face with charcoal.



  多年生的, 常年的

  But in general, I prefer the lazy nature of perennial plants over the back-straining events of tending a garden.




  “If you can’t outcompete your wild cousin, it doesn’t make it out of this room,” said Mr. Mendez.




  The moon landings marked the beginning of a new era.





  But for some people, the real issue raised by the bereavement exclusion is philosophical — or maybe the better word is existential.



  牧场, 牧草地

  The warehouse was surrounded by what felt like an acre of siding, sawn and stacked high overhead, open to the sky and surrounded by pastureland.







  腐殖质, 腐植土

  Wind and spring floods erode soils, exposing underlying layers and premiering new compositions of humus and minerals on the surface.




  In the theory of discomposition, misreading is a positive notion which means of creative reading.




  But without fungi we would not have gardens, houses or even feet at all.





  The desert continually encroaches on the fertile land.





  Actually, you have: I’m talking about demands that we make all of the Bush tax cuts, not just those for the middle class, permanent.




  One obvious impact is the radical alteration of the land surface.




  After all, if the government will never allow you to fail due to the problems the public would face, then you cannot be treated like other firms, since you are not susceptible to failure.


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