






托福口语素材:摔跤运动Wrestling Competition

2017-06-20 16:56:13来源:苏比努尔 天津新东方

  为了帮助大家高效备考托福口语素材,新东方在线托福网为大家带来托福口语题目:摔跤运动Wrestling Competition一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线托福网(http://toefl.koolearn.com)!

托福口语素材:摔跤运动Wrestling Competition



  首先我们来看看剧情简介:这部电影取材真实,讲述了前摔跤选手马哈维亚(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)曾经是一名前途无量的摔跤运动员,在放弃了职业生涯后,他最大的遗憾就是没有能够替国家赢得金牌。马哈维亚将这份希望寄托在了尚未出生的儿子身上,哪知道妻子接连给他生了两个女儿,取名吉塔和巴比塔。让马哈维亚没有想到的是,两个姑娘展现出了杰出的摔跤天赋,让他幡然醒悟,就算是女孩,也能够昂首挺胸的站在比赛场上,为了国家和她们自己赢得荣誉。 就这样,在马哈维亚的指导下,吉塔和巴比塔开始了艰苦的训练,两人进步神速,很快就因为在比赛中连连获胜而成为了当地的名人。为了获得更多的机会,吉塔进入了国家体育学院学习,在那里,她面对更大的诱惑和更多的选择丧失了自我,在爸爸的重新指导下最终还是取得了冠军,为国争了光,成为了她爸爸的骄傲。



  那如果独立口语考到以下类似的题目,咱们就可以拿摔跤吧!爸爸 轻松解决~



  Describe a movie you like. Explain why you like it, using specific details and examples to explain your answer.

  I wanna talk about the movie called wrestling competition, it’s an Indian movie and it’s really popular. I like it for two reasons. Firstly, the story line is very attractive. It tells a story of a father train his two daughters to be the professional wrestler, he encountered many difficulties and so does his daughters, but they never give up and all became excellent wrestler, even won the international champion at the end. It taught me to be strong and never give up when facing challenges. Secondly, the main idea of the movie is about women can also do well at things that normally men are good at, so it motivates me to get outside my comfort zone and explore my new interest, to be a better woman in the future.


  Describe someone you admire. Using details and examples to explain your answer.

  Recently, I watched the movie wrestling competition and I admire the father character the most for two reasons. Firstly, he is a very strict man, it reminds me of my father. In the movie,the father trains his daughters to become professional wrestlers and no matter how hard it is for their daughters, he never let them quit, instead, help them over and over again until they totally understand. My father is the same, when I have some problems in life, he never helps me to fix it, he teaches me how to solve it and make sure I conquer it by myself. It helped me to grow independently. Secondly, he is a patriot. His ultimate goal is gain a golden medal for his country, and since he couldn’t do it, he trained his daughter to fight for it, and when she finally gained it, he was very proud. This made me respect him because he think of his country than his own interest. That’s why I respect him the most.


  Talk about the most important characteristic that make someone a good parent.

  I think patient make someone a good parent for two reasons. Firstly, patient parents can help their children learn from their mistakes, for example I saw a movie called wrestling competition the other day, the father in the movie was very patient with his daughters when they make mistakes through the training, and when his daughter made a mistake, he helped her patiently and talked to her about how to deal with it, it gave the girl the power to tackle the problem in front of her, and eventually helped her to succeed. Secondly, patient parents can provide a healthy atmosphere for their children to grow up. Kids will always talk to their parents about things happening in their lives and parents will patiently listen through all the process without doing their own business, this helps children to get useful information from their parents and parents can know more about their children, it shortens the age gap between them.

  那Task2一般就会考到一些agree or disagree 或者二选一的题,下面这些题,我们就可以利用这部电影来回答了~

  1. Do you agree or disagree that parents should help their children to decide their future career.


  I totally agree with this for two reasons. Firstly, parents have more experience than their children, so they know what society wants and what career can have a better chance to make their children succeed. They can prevent their kids from unnecessary failure along the path. Secondly, children sometimes cannot think things comprehensively, maybe they choose career base on their temporary interest but turns out to have negative result, their parents can help them avoid this kinda trouble because parents think things through and can help them to make a good plan about their future, so this also helps children to be successful in their jobs.


  I totally disagree with this statement mainly for two reasons. Firstly, kids know themselves better than their parents do, so they know what kinda future they want and what career they wanna choose, parents always focus on the salary or the social status of a career that they always neglect what their kids really interested in, this may make their kids unhappy even they have decent salary. Secondly, children who come to the age of choosing a career means they become young adult, this means they should learn to be independent and responsible. Parents should let go, let their children think independently and decide what they wanna do and should let them take the responsibility of choosing that career. This way, children can grow up and be more mature when facing some big decisions.

  2. Some people believe that friends are the most influential people in teenager’s life when they’re growing up, while others believe that parents have the greatest influence. Which one do you agree, give specific details and examples to explain your answer.


  I believe friends influence teenagers most. There are two reasons why I think so. Firstly, teenagers always hang out with friends so they spend almost all of their time with people their age, that means they have common topics, same interests and also similar personalities, so they’re easy to influence each other. Secondly, parents have age gap with their children, but friends don’t. So they’re easier to communicate with each other than with their parents. Through talking, they can exchange ideas and get new information, that way can they influence each other.

  3. Do you agree or disagree that people can learn from their failure/their past.

  I agree with this statement for two reasons. Firstly, there’s a proverb goes’ failure is the mother of success’, we can have some experience through the process and change our method to be successful. For example, once I failed in math, I was frustrated, but I found all the problems I did wrong at the time and learned the right way to solve it, next time in math test, I succeed. Secondly, it can make people stronger, there’s a song called stronger and has a lyrics I really like-- what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller. This kinda spirit comes from the failure and makes people brave enough to go through all the difficulties in life.



  以上就是新东方在线托福网为你带来的托福口语题目:摔跤运动Wrestling Competition,更多精彩敬请关注新东方在线托福网(http://toefl.koolearn.com)。

本文关键字: 托福口语 摔跤运动







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