







2017-11-20 10:23:33来源:网络





  Task 2

  Independent writing


  三选一: The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation's government to take to protect the environment.

  Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources as solar and wind energy.

  Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.

  Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.



  选择方案1:1. 花钱在发现新能源上可以从根本上解决环境问题。(工厂燃烧化石燃料,汽车尾气排放)2.其他两个措施会有明显缺点。保护自然地区会限制能源的开发;惩罚公司会影响公司的生产。

  Key sentences:

  1. Initially, spending more money in discovering new energy can radically solve the various environmental problems.

  2.There are conspicuous limitations of the other two options. Once the other two actions were implemented, the national economy and the living standard of the public would suffer.

  key words & phrase

  a much needed shot in the arm, advance by leaps and bounds, be on the threshold of sth, grind to a halt


  Taking a panoramic view of human history, we can readily find that the natural environment plays an enormously important role in determining the future of each and every country. Given the great significance of clean environment, the general public as well as the governors begin to wonder which is the most essential action to protect the environment, among funding new energy research, preserving natural habitat or enacting strict laws. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to argue that national governments should invest financial support in developing new energy sources.

  Initially, spending more money in discovering new energy can radically solve the various environmental problems. As is common sense, the deteriorating environment is the result of the overexploitation of fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas. To be specific, numerous chemical plants usually burn the coal to provide power for manufacturing all kinds of goods designed to satisfy the basic needs of the general public. As a result, a large amounts of industrial wastes are discharged to take a toll on the natural environment. Also, an increasing number of petrol-powered automobiles will definitely emit car exhaust (e.g. fumes and toxic gas), which can increase the likelihood of the public suffering from respiratory diseases. All the above problems related to environment can be resolved by find new and clean energy like solar energy, wind power and tidal power. Undoubtedly, replacing the traditional energy with the new ones can dramatically decrease the pollution and contamination, thus leading to a better living environment. For example, once the cars use the electricity instead of petrol, the air quality will improve to a large extent.

  Secondly, there are conspicuous limitation of the other two options. As for preserving natural places, the effect of this practice is relatively restricted. To illustrate, the traditional energy sources are usually exploited and discovered in the natural places. Consequently, the preservation of natural places will hinder the access to various energy and thus impede the progress of the whole society. Also, the same logic applies to passing laws to reduce pollution. It is an indisputable fact that across the globe, many countries now are heavily dependent on the industries and factories which produce pollutions. In other words, once the law of punishing these companies is enforced, these corporations may have to cut down their output and make less profits, even ending up going bankrupt. Accordingly, the national economy and the living standard of the public will suffer too.

  Factoring what has been discussed above, we can conclude that funding research of environmental friendly energy will be more preferable, because finding proper alternative energy is the key to solving the environmental problems comprehensively.








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