







2018-04-17 11:29:45来源:网络



  101. Doing work: by hand or using machines? Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer using machines. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  『分析』分情况。有些事情适合用手做,比如:洗衣服:有些人就喜欢用手洗衣服(wash clothes),而不用洗衣机(laundry machine)。写字:不用电脑,而坚持用笔,基本上只有50岁以上的人才干得出来。很多的事情只能手工去作(举例);而另外也有很多事情只能用机器去做(举例)。还有一些事情要二者结合才可以,比如统计工作。搜集数据(collect data),往往更依赖人工(manual work);数据处理(data processing/manipulating),最好由计算机完成。相关题目:[140]

  『范文』 Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer to use machines. I definitely fall into the latter category. I use a machine for almost all of the work I do. The reasons why I prefer to use machines are that most hand work is tedious, machines are faster and more efficient, and I am more proficient with most machines. Two things that I spend a copious amount of time doing are writing and sewing. Both of these endeavors border on pain if I do not have a computer or a sewing machine, respectively. What was once a fun task becomes very monotonous, and no longer enjoyable. Using a machine can turn ordinary tasks into exciting ones. Using machines to do work is also much faster and more efficient than using your hands to do it. For example, if I wrote this essay by hand, rather than using the computer, it would probably take me at least five times as long. Hand sewing a shirt would take ten times longer than using a machine to do the same work. Not only are machines faster and more efficient, I am much more proficient using machines than I am doing the same work by hand. I find that when I am sewing by hand, all of my seams are very uneven and crooked. However, when I sew on a machine, my seams are perfect. The machine helps to keep my hand in line, therefore I can turn out a much better product. It is the same for writing essays. My handwriting is messy at times. If I had written a paper, I cannot correct it as easily as if I had written it on the computer. My writing blurs together, and sometimes I cannot even read what I have written down. Machines are definitely a better way for me to work efficiently, proficiently, and enjoyably. 102. Should schools ask students to evaluate their teachers? Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  『分析』有保留地同意 (agree with reservations)。学生在评判教师时,是否全部学生都可以客观评价(objective evaluation)?是否有足够的能力(包括academic knowledge等等)去进行客观评价? 如果采取了这样的方式,就会出现老师迎合(cater to/ pander to/ play up to students' taste)学生而不是引导 (guide; lead)学生,违背了教育的原则。保留意见/这种方式:允许学生进行评价,但是应该作为一个参考,同时要有其他的评判方式。参见:[97]

  『范文』 Teachers have a very difficult job in society. They not only have to learn how to teach material effectively, but also must learn how to deal with a wide variety of personalities. While teaching is a difficult job, I think it is important for schools to ask students to evaluate their teachers. I think this is the right thing to do because it encourages teachers to try their best, it gives students the opportunity to choose effective teachers, and it allows the schools to have the best teachers possible teaching. If a teacher knows that at the end of the term, the students will be evaluating his/her work, then the teacher will be driven to do a very good job. If there is no pressure from evaluation, a teacher might be prone to doing a less than perfect job. I believe that everyone needs an occasional evaluation to ensure they are doing their job correctly. In the case of a teacher, the students will give the most important evaluations. If there was a public summary of which teacher scored the highest on his/her evaluations, then students would be able to take courses based on which teacher was the best at the job. This would allow students to excel in their studies, and achieve better grades. Finally, if schools ask students to evaluate their teachers, the schools themselves would be able to have the best teachers working on campus. If a teacher scored too low on an evaluation, a replacement could be found. This is a much better method than waiting for students to complain about a teacher. Teachers do have a difficult job, but regardless of this, they must excel at it. If a person is a particularly poor teacher, the students will not learn the required material, and suffer for it.









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