







2018-04-17 11:30:13来源:网络



  111. Spend time with one or two close friends, or with a large number of friends? Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. Compare the advantages of each choice. Which of these two ways of spending time do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your answer. 参见:[110]

  『范文』 Of the two possibilities, I prefer the first, that is, to spend my time with one or two close friends, because I enjoy close friendship with one or two people and the cozy atmosphere of spending time with close friends. When spending time with a large number of friends, it tends to be difficult to form solid, meaningful friendships with any of the people, since cultivating friendship needs time to communicate. On the other hand, when spending time with only one or two close friends, it is more likely to get to know these people on a very close level. I think this closeness is very important in a friendship. In fact, if I share no closeness with a person, then I do not consider him a friend; I consider him an acquaintance. Moreover, it is not only closeness but also the cozy atmosphere that makes me prefer spending time with only one or two friends. In this cozy atmosphere, I always feel there is nothing that I could not or would not tell my friends, as they feel the same. This means we can trust each other completely. Although this doesn't at all mean there's no cozy atmosphere or complete trust when spending time with many friends, it is my observation that everyone tends to be more open in private. This is why I enjoy the intimate friendship. In addition, spending time with few friends can save much time, since the relationship among a few people is more likely to be simpler. I'm not proficient at dealing with relationship among people, and often get frustrated communicating with a crowd. However, when I am spending time with one or two close friends, this doesn't matter at all. In fact, my close friends, notwithstanding few in number, always tell me I'm their best friend who can truly care about them and handle the relationship smoothly. I think it is my personality that has me make such a choice.

  112. Should young children spend most of their time on school studies or playing? Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?

  『分析』两种观点都有些极端。先比较两种观点,然后选择一个折衷的立场。早上学的好处和坏处:好处是很多提前上学的孩子显得聪明,对付学习显得游刃有余(be more than equal to a task; accomplish a task with ease)。完成formal education的时候比别人年轻,有更多的选择余地。坏处是,经常挨欺负(be bullied; be treated rough)。早熟(precocious),可能会有副作用(negative effects)。晚上学的好处和坏处:实际上并不吃亏;学习好坏不见得一定跟上学早晚有必然的联系(positive connection)。坏处是,家长如果引导不好,不利于智力发育(development of child's intelligence)。立场:不见得一定要尽早上学;孩子确实应该多花一些时间去玩。但是应该正确引导,因为玩也分为好多种,玩棋牌游戏显然比玩泥巴(play with mud)要有益得多。








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