







2017-04-23 10:20:00来源:新东方在线整理

  § expectation

  § anticipation

  § 预期

  § Our expectation is that we should be there. In fact, we should have gotten there a long time ago.

  § bind

  § 约束

  § On the other hand, some of the promises we make bind us legally and financially.

  § bond

  § tie, link, relation

  § 联系, 关系

  § Sure, the stock and bond holders will get wiped out, but the infrastructure will still be there.

  § expressive tie

  § 情感性关系

  § The unclassified of such differential relation is completely different from the dualistic relation classification of expressive tie and instrumental tie in the occident individualism culture.

  § instrumental tie

  § 工具性关系

  § The unclassified of such differential relation is completely different from the dualistic relation classification of expressive tie and instrumental tie in the occident individualism culture.

  § invest in

  § 投入情感

  § Education is the best way for a nation to invest in the future.

  § companionship

  § fellowship,brotherhood,camaraderie

  § 友谊

  § Also, treatment should be voluntary as far as possible, while service users should have plenty of contact and companionship with other service users.

  § end

  § aim, purpose, objective

  § 目的, 目标

  § endow

  § 赋予, 使具有某种品质

  § The clerks and ryots, however, seemed duly impressed, and likewise envious, as though deploring their parents' omission to endow them with so splendid a means of appealing to the Zamindar.

  § significance

  § meaning

  § 意义

  § We attached no significance to his statement.

  § distinction

  § difference, disparity,dissimilarity

  § 差别

  § similarity,sameness,resemblance

  § A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary tasks.

  § distinguish

  § differentiate, discern,discriminate

  § 区别

  § Confuse

  § We can distinguish one kind of substance from another by its properties.

  § intimate

  § close

  § 亲密的

  § Distant

  § Some people feel that, because they are in an intimate relationship, they have the right to express themselves, whenever, for whatever reason.

  § cohesive

  § 紧密的

  § But once you have a cohesive crew that takes it as seriously (or jokingly) as you do, you'll learn how to rely on your teammates and back them up when needed.

  § predominate

  § prevail

  § 占主导

  § The views of the left wing have tended to predominate within the party.

  § entail

  § involve

  § 牵涉到

  § He wanted to be on time for work, so he wrote down what that would entail: waking up, showering, dressing, preparing breakfast, eating, driving, parking and buying coffee—all before 9 a.m.

  § impersonal

  § 非感情的,不受个人感情影响的

  § Imperious in manner, he could be quite impersonal in his dealings with those whom he thought might impede his progress.

  § perceive

  § recognize, see,appreciate

  § 认为, 视为

  § I enable myself to perceive reality through both perspectives at once. And I do not “believe” in one at the cost of disbelieving the other.

  § means

  § instrument

  § 手段

  § He achieved his goal by peaceful means.

  § evolve

  § develop

  § 发展, 逐渐形成

  § How will this phenomenal technology evolve, how will we adapt, and (more importantly) how will it adapt to us?

  § setting

  § context

  § 环境, 背景

  § This rule is an exception to the above rule of not setting mediation properties during this phase.

  § gripe

  § grievance, whine

  § 抱怨

  § You have two choices – you can complain and gripe and make everyone around you miserable, or you can suck it up and do the best job you’re able.

  § enhance

  § amplify, magnify, boost

  § 提高

  § The developers should not fear about the learning curve as it would enhance their knowledge.

  § mill about

  § wander

  § ( 人群) 漫无目的地乱转

  § They’re just part of the large group of Nintendo fans who mill about the cosplay area at Tokyo Game Show, portraying characters from games like The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem.

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