







2020-04-28 11:08:00来源:网络



  Variation 变化

  原文:Also included will be any variations that have arisen from volcanic activity, solar activity, and, possibly, human activities.还包括任何火山活动、太阳活动将会引起的变化,或许也包括人类活动引起的变化。

  强化记忆:Prices are subject to variation. 价格可以变动。

  The regulation allows no variation. 这规则不得改变。

  Reveal 揭露;显示

  原文:One of the most difficult aspects of deciding whether current climatic events reveal evidence of the impact of human activities is that it is hard to get a measure of what constitutes the natural variability of the climate. 确定现在的气候事件是否受到人类活动影响的最大困难之一在于很难找到一种方法来确定是什么构成了气候的自然可变性。

  强化记忆:She doesn’t reveal much of her inner self. 她不大流露她的内心自我。

  The journalist did not want to reveal the identity of his informant. 那个新闻工作者不想透露消息提供人的身份。

  Constitute 组成;构成

  原文:what constitutes the natural variability of the climate 是什么构成了气候的自然可变性

  强化记忆:A whole consists of parts, the parts constitute the whole. 整体由部分组成,部分构成整体。

  The long-term unemployed now constitute a sort of underclass. 长期失业人员现在构成了一个底层阶级。

  Intervention 干涉;介入

  原文:We know that over the past millennia the climate has undergone major changes without any significant human intervention. 我们知道在过去的几千年里,气候在没有重大人类干预下也经历了主要变化。

  强化记忆:The incident was used as a pretext for intervention in the area. 这次事件成了干涉那个地区的借口。

  Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention. 许多人觉得他会反对外来干预。

  Fluctuate 波动;变化

  原文:We also know that the global climate system is immensely complicated and that everything is in some way connected, and so the system is capable of fluctuating in unexpected ways. 我们还知道全球气候系统是非常复杂的,所有因素都在某些方面互相联系,因此这个系统以意想不到的方法变化着。

  强化记忆:Prices fluctuate from year to year. 物价年年波动。

  Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill. 人患病后体温可能会上下波动。

  Complicated 复杂的

  原文:We also know that the global climate system is immensely complicated and that everything is in some way connected. 我们还知道全球气候系统是非常复杂的,所有因素都在某些方面互相联系。

  强化记忆:The instructions were rather complicated. 这些说明相当复杂。

  To the uninitiated the system seems too complicated. 对外行而言,这个系统似乎过于复杂。(uninitiated外行的,没有经验的)

  Interval 间隔

  原文:What we do know is that as we include longer time intervals, the record shows increasing evidence of slow swings in climate between different regimes. 我们所确知的就是当我们包括更长的时间跨度,记录揭示了在不同制度中缓慢的摇摆的更多的证据。

  强化记忆:An interval of a year elapsed before we were able to return. 隔了一年我们才得以返回。

  The interval between the two trees measures 40feet. 这两棵树的间隔是40英尺。

  Swing 摇摆;秋千

  原文: the record shows increasing evidence of slow swings in climate between different regimes. 记录揭示了在不同制度中缓慢的摇摆的更多的证据。

  强化记忆:You have been on the swing for ten minutes, it’s my go now. 你荡秋千有10分钟了,现在该轮到我了。

  I took a swing at him and knocked him silly. 我挥拳打了他一下,把他打得晕头转向。


  原文:the record shows increasing evidence of slow swings in climate between different regimes.记录揭示了在不同朝代中缓慢的摇摆的更多的证据。

  强化记忆:The regime is now in its death throes. 这一政权大势已去。

  The regime is accused of oppressing religious minorities. 人们指控这个政权压迫少数宗教信徒。

  Substance 物质;实质

  原文: Over long periods of time, substances whose physical and chemical properties change with the ambient climate at the time can be deposited in a systematic way to provide a continuous record of changes in those properties overtime. 经过很长一段时间,物理和化学特征随着当时周围的气候变化的物质将会以系统的方法沉淀,这可以提供那些特征在超长时间里变化的连续记录。

  强化记忆:There isn’t anything of real substance in her book. 她的书中没有任何真正实质性的内容。

  Do not use this substance in an enclosed space. 切勿在不透气的地方使用此物质。


  原文:Generally, the layering occurs on an annual basis, hence the observed changes in the records can be dated. 通常,分层堆积是每年发生的,因此在记录中可观察的变化可以用来确定日期。

  强化记忆:An increase in annual precipitation 年降水量的增加

  The school’s annual reunion 一年一度的校友联欢会

  An annual turnover of $75 million 7500万元的年营业额


  原文:substances whose physical and chemical properties change with the ambient climate.物理和化学特征随着当时周围的气候变化的物质

  强化记忆:He is studying the medicinal properties of wild plants. 他正在研究野生植物的药物特性。

  The property was returned to the original owner. 财产已物还原主。(property当“财产”意思是很多同学熟悉的。但是property在本文中是“性质”的意思。)


  原文:Information on temperature, rainfall, and other aspects of the climate that can be inferred from the systematic changes in properties is usually referred to as proxy data. 关于温度,降雨和气候的其他方面的信息通常都是指替代数据,这些信息可以从这种特征的系统变化中推断出来。

  强化记忆:You can vote either in person or by proxy. 你可以亲自投票或请人代理。

  You may appoint a proxy to vote for you. 你可以委托他人代你投票。

  Calcite 方解石

  原文:Proxy temperature records have been reconstructed from ice core drilled out of the central Greenland ice cap, calcite shells embedded in layered lake sediments in Western Europe.替代温度记录已被重建:钻取自格陵兰冰帽中部的冰核以及深嵌在西欧分层湖底沉积物中的方解石壳。

  强化记忆:The prospectors have discovered calcite, here. 探矿人员在这里发现了方解石。(prospector探矿人员)

  Peruvian 秘鲁的

  原文: ice cores from Peruvian glaciers, and ice cores from eastern Antarctica.取自秘鲁冰河的冰核,和取自东南极洲的冰核。

  强化记忆:The object is due to be returned to Peruvian authorities. 这件物品将被归还秘鲁政府。

  And that is something Peruvian governments have found hard to swallow. 这也是秘鲁政府所无法接受的事情。

  Intriguing 引起兴趣的;有趣的

  原文:there are nonetheless some intriguing differences. 但仍存在引人发问的差异。

  强化记忆:These discoveries raise intriguing questions. 这些发现带来了非常有趣的问题。

  It all sounds very intriguing. 这些听起来都很有趣。

  Holocene 全新世的

  原文: Equally striking, however, is the relative stability of the climate in the past 10.000 years (the Holocene period).但同样令人惊讶的是在过去的一万年(全新世)中气候的相对稳定。

  强化记忆:Dodos are flightless birds from the late Holocene. 渡鸟是全新世晚期不会飞翔的鸟类。

  This article has a brief review on Holocene climate changes in Mongolia. 这篇文章简要地回顾了蒙古全新世气候变化研究。


  原文:These include the chaotic fluctuations of the atmosphere。这些原因包括混乱的大气波动。

  强化记忆:There was a frigid atmosphere in the room. 房间里一片冷淡的气氛。

  This is a key laboratory of atmosphere sounding. 这是个大气探测重点实验室。


  原文:the slower but equally erratic behavior of the oceans. 相对较慢但相当混乱的海洋活动。

  强化记忆:He is a good fellow, but then he is so erratic. 他是个好人,但是另一方面,他又是那样的怪僻。

  He was like a stormy, erratic boy. 他好像是个性急的古怪的孩子。

  Simulation 模仿

  原文: Studies suggest that to date the variability in computer simulations is considerably smaller than in data obtained from the proxy records.研究表明迄今为止计算机模拟的可变性比取自代理记录的数据少得多。

  强化记忆:The pilot’s skills are tested through simulation. 飞行员的技术是通过模拟飞行来检测的。

  To make the training realistic the simulation operates in real time. 为使训练真实,模拟是实时运行的。

  Internal 内部的;内在的

  原文: In addition to the internal variability of the global climate system itself, there is the added factor of external influences, such as volcanoes and solar activity .除全球气候系统本身的内部变化之外,还存在其他外部影响的因素,如火山或太阳活动。

  强化记忆:He is talking to Tom on the internal telephone. 他正在内线电话上与汤姆交谈。

  They resent foreign interference in the internal affairs of their country. 他们憎恶对他们国家内政的外来干涉。

  Aspect 形式;方面

  原文:Information on temperature, rainfall, and other aspects of the climate that can be inferred from the systematic changes in properties is usually referred to as proxy data. 关于温度,降雨和气候的其他方面的信息通常都是指替代数据,这些信息可以从这种特征的系统变化中推断出来。

  强化记忆:I want to talk briefly on another aspect of the problem. 我想简单地谈一下这个问题的另一方面。

  The training program covers every aspect of the job. 训练计划的范围包括了这种工作的各个方 面。


本文关键字: 托福词汇 托福







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