






托福核心词汇:Biological Clocks

2020-05-15 13:35:00来源:网络

  为了帮助大家高效备考托福,新东方在线托福频道为大家带来托福核心词汇:Biological Clocks,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线托福频道!


  原文:Survival and successful reproduction usually require the activities of animals to be coordinated with predictable events around them. 生存与繁衍通常需要动物的活动与他们所能预料到的事件同步。


  They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team. 为协调这个队的工作,他们任用了一位新经理。

  We should coordinate what we will say. 我们应该协调一下我们该说什么。

  Rhythm 节奏;韵律

  原文:Consequently, the timing and rhythms of biological functions must closely match periodic events like the solar day, the tides, the lunar cycle, and the seasons. 生物的计时与交替循环的机能也就理所应当的必须与像昼夜交替,潮涨潮落,月圆月缺和四季更迭这样的周期性事件保持大体的一致。


  Stress and rhythm are important in speaking English. 说英语时,重音和节奏是很重要的。

  Her pencil tapped out a staccato rhythm on the desk top. 她用铅笔断断续续地敲击着桌面。



  原文:Normally, the constantly changing levels of an animal's activity—sleeping, feeding, moving, reproducing, metabolizing, and producing enzymes and hormones, for example—are well coordinated with environmental rhythms. 通常意义上讲,动物活动的经常性转变——例如,睡觉,喂食,活动,繁殖和产生酶与荷尔蒙,都是与环境的循环同步的。


  It inhibits an enzyme involved in blood clotting. 该药可以抑制一种参与凝血的酶。

  This change is considered to be due to denaturation of the enzyme. 据认为这种变化是由于酶的变性作用造成的。(denaturation 变性)

  Hormone 荷尔蒙;激素

  原文:Normally, the constantly changing levels of an animal's activity—sleeping, feeding, moving, reproducing, metabolizing, and producing enzymes and hormones, for example—are well coordinated with environmental rhythms. 通常意义上讲,动物活动的经常性转变——例如,睡觉,喂食,活动,繁殖和产生酶与荷尔蒙,都是与环境的循环同步的。


  The stress hormone cortisol peaks in your blood around 7 am. 早上7点左右你血液中的压力荷尔蒙皮质醇含量达到最高。

  Oestrogen is a female sex hormone. 雌激素是一种雌性荷尔蒙。

  External 外部的

  原文:the key question is whether the animal's schedule is driven by external cues, such as sunrise or sunset, or is instead dependent somehow on internal timers that themselves generate the observed biological rhythms. 但是关键问题在于,动物的作息是否是由外界条件驱使,比如日出日落,又或者是受他们自身产生并遵循的内在生物循环。


  The external features of the building are very attractive. 这座建筑物的外观是很吸引人的。

  The accounts have to be audited by a firm of external auditors. 这些账目必须由一家外聘审计员的公司来稽查。


  原文:the key question is whether the animal's schedule is driven by external cues, such as sunrise or sunset, or is instead dependent somehow on internal timers that themselves generate the observed biological rhythms. 但是关键问题在于,动物的作息是否是由外界条件驱使,比如日出日落,又或者是受他们自身产生并遵循的内在生物循环。


  He is talking to Tom on the internal telephone. 他正在内线电话上与汤姆交谈。

  They resent foreign interference in the internal affairs of their country. 他们憎恶对他们国家内政的外来干涉。

  Cue 暗示;线索

  原文:the key question is whether the animal's schedule is driven by external cues, such as sunrise or sunset, or is instead dependent somehow on internal timers that themselves generate the observed biological rhythms. 但是关键问题在于,动物的作息是否是由外界条件驱使,比如日出日落,又或者是受他们自身产生并遵循的内在生物循环。


  He often takes his cue from the boss. 他总是看上司的眼色行事。

  When she coughs, it's my cue to come onto the stage. 她一咳嗽,就是给我暗号出场。

  Eukaryote 真核生物

  原文:Almost universally, biologists accept the idea that all eukaryotes (a category that includes most organisms except bacteria and certain algae) have internal clocks. 生物学家普遍接受的观点是所有的多细胞生物(除了细菌与一些海藻以外的绝大多数物种)都有内在钟。


  Olfactory receptor is the biggest gene family among the eukaryote. 嗅觉受体是最大的真核生物基因家族。

  What are the physical structure and genetic organization characteristics of eukaryotenuclear genomes? 真核生物核基因组的结构和基因内容有什么特点?


  原文:When crayfish are kept continuously in the dark, even for four to five months, their compound eyes continue to adjust on a daily schedule for daytime and nighttime vision. 小龙虾在黑暗中持续的活动哪怕是四五个月,他们的复眼也仍然继续按日常循环的昼与夜来调节视野。


  A crayfish that loses a leg simply grows a new one. 小龙虾失去一条腿,就再长出一条

  We don't have oysters tonight, but the crayfish are very good. 我们今晚没有牡蛎供应。但小龙虾是非常好。

  Horseshoe 马蹄状

  原文:Horseshoe crabs kept in the dark continuously for a year were found to maintain a persistent rhythm of brain activity that similarly adapts their eyes on a daily schedule for bright or for weak light. 马蹄蟹可以在黑暗中保持一年的连续性大脑周期活动来使他们的眼睛适应日常交替的高光与弱光的周期一致。


  The blacksmith is forging the horseshoe. 铁匠正在打造马蹄铁。

  The biggest is the horseshoe falls on the Canada side. 最大的一段是在加拿大这边的马蹄瀑布。


  原文:Such a rhythm whose period is approximately—but not exactly—a day is called circadian. 这种和一天的循环周期很接近但不精确同步的循环叫做生理节奏。


  And shift workers and frequent fliers can develop a circadian rhythm disorder. 轮班工人和频繁飞行者会出现睡眠节律障碍。

  Circadian disorders result from placing humans in unnatural situations. 人只要处在非自然的环境中就会导致生物钟的紊乱。

  Disorient 使迷惑;失去方向感

  原文:The disorienting effects of this mismatch between external time cues and internal schedules may persist, like our jet lag, for several days or weeks until certain cues such as the daylight/darkness cycle reset the organism's clock to synchronize with the daily rhythm of the new environment. 外部时间与内在循环的持续性不同步而产生的错乱反应,比如我们的时差综合症,要耗费几天或者几个星期直到不变信号比如白天黑夜循环重新设定生物钟并将其同步到新环境的日常循环中。


  These methods all disorient the mind. 这些办法都使大脑失去方向感。

  Lag 滞后;延迟

  原文:The disorienting effects of this mismatch between external time cues and internal schedules may persist, like our jet lag, for several days or weeks until certain cues such as the daylight/darkness cycle reset the organism's clock to synchronize with the daily rhythm of the new environment. 外部时间与内在循环的持续性不同步而产生的错乱反应,比如我们的时差综合症,要耗费几天或者几个星期直到不变信号比如白天黑夜循环重新设定生物钟并将其同步到新环境的日常循环中。


  Some of the runners in the race began to lag. 参加比赛的运动员中有一些开始落後了。

  The children always lag behind when we go for a walk. 我们出去散步时,孩子们总是落在后面。

  Synchronize 同时;使同步

  原文:The disorienting effects of this mismatch between external time cues and internal schedules may persist, like our jet lag, for several days or weeks until certain cues such as the daylight/darkness cycle reset the organism's clock to synchronize with the daily rhythm of the new environment. 外部时间与内在循环的持续性不同步而产生的错乱反应,比如我们的时差综合症,要耗费几天或者几个星期直到不变信号比如白天黑夜循环重新设定生物钟并将其同步到新环境的日常循环中。


  The film does not synchronize with sound. 该影片画面与声音不同步。

  The sound track did not synchronize with the action. 声迹与动作不同步。


  原文:because it normally does so day after day-seems to keep the internal clock's period close to that of Earth's rotation 因为这些活动日复一日的保持着内在钟的周期接近地球自转。


  The workers in this workshop do day and night shifts in weekly rotation. 这个车间的工人上白班和上夜班每周轮换一次。

  Crop rotation helps prevent soil erosion. 农作物轮作有助于防止水土流失。

  Persistent 坚持的;持久的

  原文:原文:Horseshoe crabs kept in the dark continuously for a year were found to maintain a persistent rhythm of brain activity that similarly adapts their eyes on a daily schedule for bright or for weak light. 马蹄蟹可以在黑暗中保持一年的连续性大脑周期活动来使他们的眼睛适应日常交替的高光与弱光的周期一致。


  Steady progress can only be the result of persistent study. 坚持学习,始能不断进步。

  Albert had a persistent headache that lasted for three days. 艾伯特连续头痛了三天。

  Sustained 承受;持久的

  原文:Even a fifteen-minute burst of light in otherwise sustained darkness can reset an animal's circadian rhythm. 即使是15分钟的强光在黑暗中发生也可以改变动物的生理节奏。


  He has sustained a great loss by the death of his father. 他父亲的去世使他蒙受巨大的损失。

  The clapping was sustained for several minutes. 掌声持续了几分钟。

  Shuttle 穿梭往返;航天飞机;机场巴士

  原文:For instance, apparently normal daily periods of biological activity were maintained for about a week by the fungus Neurospora when it was intentionally isolated from all geophysical timing cues while orbiting in a space shuttle. 举个例子,通过一种叫脉孢菌的细菌清晰的证明了在绕地球公转的太空飞船中完全与所有地理事件信号隔离的情况下,所有的生物日常活动周期可以持续大概一个礼拜左右。


  The supermarket operates a complimentary shuttle service. 这家超市提供免费购物班车。(complimentary赠送的)

  a shuttle service between London and Edinburgh 往返于伦敦和爱丁堡之间的航班


  原文:The continuation of biological rhythms in an organism without external cues attests to its having an internal clock. 这种在没有外界信号的时候生物循环的延续性证明生物是具有内在钟的。


  I can attest to the absolute truth of his statement. 我可以证实他的话是千真万确的。

  These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place. 这些遗迹充分证明此处昔日的宏伟。

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