






托福TPO词汇:Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia

2020-06-10 15:29:00来源:网络

  为了帮助大家高效备考托福,新东方在线托福频道为大家带来托福TPO词汇:Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线托福频道!


  Pastoralism 田园主义;牧歌体;畜牧

  原文:Pastoralism is a lifestyle in which economic activity is based primarily on livestock.


  强化记忆:He dropped out of pastoralism two and a half years ago.他两年半前就放弃了那种田园牧歌式的生活。

  Pastoralism remains a way of life in east Africa. 放牧生活仍是东非地区的一种生活方式。

  Livestock 家畜;牲畜

  原文:Pastoralism is a lifestyle in which economic activity is based primarily on livestock.


  强化记忆:There were cows, pigs and other livestock there.那儿也有牛、猪和其他家畜。

  They cramped the livestock in the ancient barns.他们把牲畜关在老谷仓里。


  原文:Archaeological evidence suggests that by 3000 B.C., and perhaps even earlier, there had emerged on the steppes of Inner Eurasia the distinctive types of pastoralism that were to dominate the region's history for several millennia. 考古资料表明,早在公元前3 000年甚至更早的时候,位于欧亚大陆内部的西伯利亚大草原上已经出现了一些能够主导这些地区历史长达几千年的独特的畜牧类型。

  强化记忆:The discovery is of great archaeological value. 一发现有很大的考古学意义。

  That was a great archaeological find. 那是一次了不起的考古发现。

  Millennia 一千年;千年期

  原文:Archaeological evidence suggests that by 3000 B.C., and perhaps even earlier, there had emerged on the steppes of Inner Eurasia the distinctive types of pastoralism that were to dominate the region's history for several millennia. 考古资料表明,早在公元前3 000年甚至更早的时候,位于欧亚大陆内部的西伯利亚大草原上已经出现了一些能够主导这些地区历史长达几千年的独特的畜牧类型。

  强化记忆:For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews. 两千年来,异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大禁忌。

  In the course of millennia, the dinosaurs died out. 在几千年的时间里,恐龙逐渐死绝了

  Prestige 威信;威望

  原文:Here, the horse was already becoming the animal of prestige in many regions, though sheep, goats, and cattle could also play a vital role. 在这里,尽管绵羊、山羊和牛扮演了非常重要的角色,但是马已经在许多地区成为具有优势地位的动物。

  强化记忆:He has high prestige among the masses. 他在群众中威信很高。

  The contract will affect our national prestige in the world. 这一合同将会影响我国的国际声望。

  Militaristic 军国主义的

  原文:It is the use of horses for transportation and warfare that explains why Inner Eurasian pastoralism proved the most mobile and the most militaristic of all major forms of pastoralism. 正是马在交通运输和战争中的使用解释了为什么欧亚大陆内部的畜牧被证明是所有重要畜牧形式中最不固定和最具军事性的一种。

  强化记忆:The Japanese militaristic atrocities are the burden of gods! 日本军国主义的疯狂暴行竟要由神来承担了!

  The schools of Japan performs militaristic education. 以军国主义教育为内容的学校教育。

  Carnivore 食肉动物

  原文:As a result, pastoralists, like carnivores in general, occupy a higher position on the food chain. 因此,牧民和食肉动物一样,在食物链中处于一个更高的位置。

  强化记忆: Lions and tigers are carnivores. 狮子和老虎是食肉动物。

  Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore. 暴龙是一种大型的食肉动物。


  原文:However, the larger the terrain used to support a group, the harder it is to exploit that terrain while remaining in one place. 但是,支撑一个群体的土地越大,在原有土地基础上继续开发的困难也就越大。

  强化记忆:He had made a detailed study of the terrain. 他对地形作了缜密的研究。

  The terrain slopes gently. 地势平缓。

  Nomadism 游牧生活;流浪生活

  原文:Nomadism has further consequences. 游牧生活有着更深远的影响。

  记忆:Another dimension of flexibility and mobility? Or the end of nomadism? 是另一种弹性和移动?还是标志着游牧的结束?

  Its economy is nomadism, hunting, collection and farming. 其经济主要以游牧为主、兼营游猎、山林采集和农耕。

  Linguistic 语言的; 语言学的

  原文:So, it is no accident that with the appearance of pastoralist societies there appear large areas that share similar cultural, ecological, and even linguistic features.因此,畜牧社会在较大地域中分享类似的文化、生态甚至语言特点并非偶然现象。

  强化记忆:She is pursuing her linguistic researches. 她在从事语言学的研究。

  The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence. 写作能力是对语言能力的最高形式的测试。

  Forage 牛马饲料; 寻找粮草

  原文:Such theories imply that the Indo-European languages evolved not in Neolithic (10,000 to 3,000 B.C.) Anatolia, but among the foraging communities of the cultures in the region of the Don and Dnieper rivers, which took up stock breeding and began to exploit the neighboring steppes. 这些理论说明印欧语系不是从新石器时代(公元前一万年到公元前三千年之间)的安纳托利亚发展而来,而是在顿河 和第聂伯河 流域内从事家畜饲养、开发毗邻的西伯利亚大草原的畜牧群体中发展而来。

  强化记忆:Now the nutritive value of the forage is reduced. 此时牧草的营养价值也下降了。

  Cows and sheep depend on forage to feed. 牛和羊依靠草料喂养。


  原文:Inequalities of wealth and rank certainly exist, and have probably existed in most pastoralist societies, but except in periods of military conquest, they are normally too slight to generate the stable, hereditary hierarchies that are usually implied by the use of the term class. 但是除了战乱时期,他们由于太过弱小难以形成通常的稳定、世袭的统治阶级。

  强化记忆:Inequality and poverty breed class conflict. 不平等和贫困滋长阶级对抗。

  Inequality was the price of civilization. 不平等的是文明代价。

  Hereditary 遗传的; 世袭的

  原文:Inequalities of wealth and rank certainly exist, and have probably existed in most pastoralist societies, but except in periods of military conquest, they are normally too slight to generate the stable, hereditary hierarchies that are usually implied by the use of the term class. 财产和阶级的不公平肯定是存在的。但是除了战乱时期,他们由于太过弱小难以形成通常的稳定、世袭的统治阶级。

  强化记忆:Is this disease hereditary? 这种病遗传吗?

  The Queen of England is a hereditary ruler. 英国女王是世袭的统治者。

  Hierarchies 层次; 等级制度;

  原文:Inequalities of wealth and rank certainly exist, and have probably existed in most pastoralist societies, but except in periods of military conquest, they are normally too slight to generate the stable, hereditary hierarchies that are usually implied by the use of the term class. 财产和阶级的不公平肯定是存在的。但是除了战乱时期,他们由于太过弱小难以形成通常的稳定、世袭的统治阶级。

  强化记忆:There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country. 那个国家有一套严密的权力等级制度。

  There is a hierarchy in the classification of all living creatures. 一切生物均可按等级分类。

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