







2021-12-29 09:38:00来源:新东方在线托福


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? lt is more importantto work quickly and risk making mistakes than to work slowly and make sureeverything is correct.

Time and tide waits for no man. No matter what one is engaged in, the concept of time is always a primary concern and decisive factor. Any delay during the progression of a work task might be fatal. On the other hand, quality is also important in a task. To some extent, high speed might incur mistakes and risks, but that does not mean one cannot work with efficiency. Frommy point of view, it is a better choice to work with speed without neglecting quality.

In the first place, every minute should be made full use of once a task is initiated. A second saved is a second gained. Any intentional delay is a waste of time and might lead to severe consequences. Therefore, a feasible schedule should be drafted and strictly followed. Nobody is allowed to work slowly. In a sense, deadlines that have been settled are the most effective stimulus urging people to concentrate on their work. In most cases, completing a job ahead of time can also give a person that sense of self-fulfillment, thushelping maintain their enthusiasm in the future. Here is a concrete example to testify to the importance of time. My cousin is a person who never works slowly. As a PhD candidate at Northwestern University, he is able to participate in many projects. Last semester he was appointed as the team leader of an emergent project. After working out a suitable timetable, which he strictly adheredto, he and his partners worked efficiently together. The project was completed on time, and with very few mistakes.

Secondly, there is no need to fear making mistakes and taking risks. These experiences are worthwhile and beneficial to future development. Learning from the past help to avoid future blunders. If no mistakes are made, or no risks taken, how can a person have opportunities to improve himself? Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor the world has ever seen, taught us that making mistakes is only a precursor to success. After making numerous experiments and experiencing uncountable failures, he finally succeeded in finding the most suitable material for electric light bulbs.

In the third place, attentiveness and care help reduce the possibility of making mistakes when speed is required.With the mental pressure of time restrictions, one's attention may not be so easily distracted. Immersing himself in the task at hand can help him avoid careless mistakes. Taking this aspect into consideration, speed and quality may not be totally contradictory to one another, but rather complimentary to personal job satisfaction. To sum up, during the course of an endeavor, all participants should attach great importance to both speed and quality in their plan. All the time spent on one's work should be treasured. Even though there may be encounters with faults or risks, working at a reasonable speed while having focused attention is highly recommended.



首先,一旦任务启动,分分秒秒都要充分利用。节约一秒也就等于赢得了一秒。刻意的拖延是浪费间, 而且可能会导致严重的后果。因此,需要制定可行的日程表并严格遵守。任何人都不允许拖拖拉拉地工作。可以这么说,确定好的期限是敦促人们专注于工作的最有效刺激因素。在多数情况下,能提前做完工作也会给人一种自我满足感,于是,在将来的工作中,他们会保持这种热情。我们来举一个身边的实例来证明时间的重要性吧。我表哥就是一个从不耽误工作的人。他是美国西北大学博士生,因此可以参与到很多项目中去。上个学期他被任命为一个紧急项目的团队负责人。在制定出能够严格遵守的合理的时间表之后,他和项目成员们一起开始了高效的工作。最后他们按时完成了任务,并且几乎没有犯什么错误。





Time and tide waits for no man. 时不我待;岁月不等人。

incur vt. 招致;引发

initiate vt. 开始;发起

intentional adj. 故意的;刻意的

severe consequence 严重的后果

concrete example 具体的例子

PhD candidate 博士生

be appointed as... 被任命为……

adhere to 遵守;坚持

blunder n. 大错;错误

Thomas Edison 托马斯·爱迪生(举世闻名的美国发明家,拥有众多重要的发明专利,传媒称之为“门洛帕克的奇才”。他拥有2000余项发明,其中包括留声机、电影摄影机和钨丝灯泡等。他名下的专利数累计超过1500项。)

precursor n. 先驱;先导

restriction n. 限制;约束;束缚distract vt. 使分心;转移

immerse oneself in... 沉浸于……;埋头苦干

at hand 在手边; 在附近

at a reasonable speed 以合理的速度







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