







2022-01-11 11:36:19来源:新东方在线托福


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the maincause of unhealthy eating habits.


Nowadays critics have never stopped complaining about the side effects from the explosion of advertisements in modern society. Among these endless accusations, there is one controversial issue regarding the impact of advertising on people's unhealthy eating habits. In reality, compared with other sources of negative influences, advertising only plays a small role. The eating habits are formed on the basis of many complicated factors. Therefore, it is rash to consider it a major cause of those unhealthy eating habits.

To illustrate, one of the biggest contributors to unhealthy eating habits is the desire to lose weight. For fear of putting on weight, an increasing number of people have joined a shared mission to become slimmer. Such a prevailing trend nowadays has almost gone out of control. With the enrollment of more new comers, the troop is expanding all the time. Few people, especially young women, are willing to fall behind. A recent survey indicates that inChina's major cities, 6 out of 10 adults are on a diet. The majority of them are taking in very little food every day. They intentionally stay away from any staple food and meat. Only fruit and vegetables make up their meals. Some of them are even eating nothing during supper time, but drinking water instead. Lack of nutrients regarding these eating habits is a biggest threat to human health.

Besides, eating habits are also associated with one's working style. A high pressured work schedule has deprived many white-collar workers of the time to enjoy a comfortable meal each week day. Early in the morning, they struggle out of bed, just in time to catch the bus to the office, not having enough time to eat a healthy breakfast. A short noon break only allows them to have a simple meal, which might include the unhealthy fast food like KFC, instant noodles or a box lunch.After a tiring day, few of themhave enough energy to prepare a healthy supper at home. Thus, with the passing of time, such eating habits would definitely make people suffer from health problems. Some may be gaining too much weight, while others are becoming malnourished.

Admittedly, advertising is a possible channel thatmisleads people into bad eating habits. The masses may have access to numerous food advertisements while watching TV or browsing through newspapers and magazines. In order to establish a good image before the public and make the biggest profits, food producers or restaurants are exaggerating the quality of their products and services. Thus, a number of people, especially children, are attracted to buying more snacks or eating more junk food like McDonald's. These are all harmful to a person's healthy diet.

As a consequence, eating in a healthy way is of vital importance to a human body. It deserves focused attention from both the public and each individual. In spite of the difficulty in persuading people to give up bad habits, all the advertising companies should be encouraged to avoid sending misleading information that influences people negatively. Immediate efforts ought to be made to take precautions against any potential causes of unhealthy eating habits.







critic n. 批评家,评论家;爱挑剔的人

accusation n. 谴责;指控

rash adj. 轻率的;鲁莽的

for fear of... 为了避免……;唯恐

prevailing adj. 流行的;普遍的;占主导地位的

out of control 失控

staple food 主食(如米饭、面条等)

struggle out of bed 挣扎着从床上爬起来

malnourished adj. 营养不良的;营养失调的

browse through 浏览;翻阅

misleading adj. 误导性的;使人误解的

take precautions against... 预防……







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