







2022-01-26 11:00:00来源:新东方在线托福


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? lt is better to makefriends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense ofhumor.


There exists a popular notion in society, that a person can be judged by the friends they make. Obviously, when making friends, the person's inner qualities are the most important criteria. During the assessment, intelligence and a good sense of humor may frequently be taken into consideration. Admittedly, no one wishes to make friends with a stupid individual or with someone who never makes others laugh. Comparatively speaking, as far as I am concerned, friends with a good sense of humor are equal to those with clever brains.

Undeniably, intelligent friends can be more helpful in the face of difficulties. A friend in need is a friend indeed. In our daily life, encounters with various troubles that have gone far beyond our own ability and power to deal with are unavoidable. At those moments, we may turn to our friends for help. Having an intelligent partner by our side is just like receiving charcoal when the snow falls. He is competent enough to offer sincere and applicable suggestions thatcould drag us out of troubled waters. By making full use of our combined wisdom, problems can be solved easily. Take my cousin as an example: He has just set up his own company. At the very beginning, he was faced with a series of problems in business administration. After consulting his best friend, an MBA student in Harvard, he smoothly tackled those problems.As an old Chinese saying goes, "he who gets in contact with vermillion will become red". A friend's wisdom and accomplishments can directly influence us in positive ways.

To some extent, a sense of humor is a quality that outweighs intelligence. Being the distillation of wisdom and intelligence, it can be regarded as a demonstration of one's overall character. Ample knowledge and a rich accumulation of life experience is the major source of a sense of humor. In other words, intelligent people might not be humorous, whereas humorous people must be intelligent. We may cite the example of some professors who have obtained high prestige due to their remarkable academic achievement. However, lack of a sense of humor may considerably shrink their circle of friends.

Furthermore, spending time with humorous friends is definitely a time of thorough enjoyment and pleasure. After all, smiles make people stay younger and happier. A person with a good sense of humor is able to help his friend lift a cloudy mood, and make it easier for them to relax and refresh from the daily pressure. Needless to say, people all over the world are dreaming about making friends with Mr. Bean, the accomplished and loveable British comedian.

To conclude, it is unwise to be prejudiced against these different qualities in a friend. Each quality possesses its unique merits. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether our friend is smart or humorous. When true friendship exists, we can treat all our friends equally, regardless of which of their characteristics are more prevalent.







notion n. 见解;概念;想法

intelligence n. 智慧;智力

unavoidable adj. 不可避免的

charcoal n. 木炭

troubled waters 逆境;混乱状态

business administration 企业管理

tackle vt. 解决

He who gets in contact with vermillion will become red. 近朱者赤。

distillation n. 精华;蒸馏

cite vt. 引用

prestige n. 声誉

shrink vt. 缩小

lift a cloudy mood 使愁云消散

Mr. Bean 憨豆先生(憨豆先生是由英国喜剧大师罗恩·阿特金森主演的一部喜剧片中的主人公。)

loveable adj. 可爱的;惹人爱的

comedian n. 喜剧演员







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