







2023-04-21 16:05:05来源:新东方在线托福



Writing Basedon Reading andListening

Directions: For this task, you will read a passage about an academic topic and you will listen to a lecture about the same topic. You may take notes while you read and listen.

Then you will write a response to a question that asks you about the relationship between the lecture you heard and the reading passage. Try to answer the question as completely as possible using information from the reading passage and the lecture. The question does not ask you to express your personal opinion. You may refer to the reading passage again when you write. You may use your notes to help you answer the question.

Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on the completeness and accuracy of the content.

You should allow 3 minutes to read the passage. Then listen to the lecture. Then allow 20 minutes to plan and write your response.

Write your response in the space provided.


In the past, it used to be a regular practice for Americans to donate some money to public causes.

Nonetheless, the situation has changed now. Charitable giving is no longer as popular as before, and for the following reasons, it will never go up in the future.

The first reason lies in the diminished need for private charitable giving, because nowadays the national government provides most of the major public services, like feeding the poor, providing health care and assisting the victims of natural disasters. All these functions, which wereonce performed by the charities, are now in the charge of the government. Such government institutions of social welfare are permanent. Therefore, the lessened need for individual charitable giving will be permanent as well.

Second, in recent years, there have been highly publicized exposures that the heads of some eminent national charities were receiving salaries and benefits which are as large as, or even larger than the incomes of the leaders of major for-profit corporations. Such huge salaries and expenditures on travel, luxurious offices and advertising considerably cut back the portion of donated money for charitable uses. Understandably, ordinary citizens have been turned off by these excesses and inefficiencies.

Last, apart from the defects of legitimate charities, the number of fraudulent solicitations by organizations or individuals is on the rise. They merely act in the disguise of charities. As a consequence, people are now becoming skeptical about what are in fact legitimate appeals for support. Naturally potential donators may reduce theamount of their donations. And since the occurrences of charity fraud seem to be increasing, we can expect further declines in charitable giving as the masses are cautiously aware that they face the possibility of being swindled.


Now play Track 1.


There is no denying that charitable giving has declined substantially in the past few years, but we have ample reasons to believe that it will increase before long.

First, the number of elderly and retired people in our society keeps growing. At present, senior citizens who can't afford health care often rely on government programs to pay for it. But as the aging population expands, government programs possibly won't be able to meet the enhanced demand for old-age assistance. And since the need will be on the rise and Americans respond to it, we should expect to see charitable giving go up accordingly.

The disclosures of poor management at major charities, and people's anger at it, are actually bringing about significant reforms. This constitutes another reason to be optimistic about the future of charity causes. Excessively paid leaders have been forced to resign due to the negative publicity. Charities are also cutting down on their expenses and are now subject to closer public scrutiny. As a result, people are regaining confidence that the money they donate willserve for rightful purposes.

People's response to charity fraud is also changing. In a short period of time, they may refuse to donate because they doubt whether charities are honest or not. But in the long run, such skepticism makes people careful, not stingy. For instance, many people now decline to give money when asked to do so over the telephone. They insist on receiving documentary evidence before making any donations. Once people have learned the skills to be acquired by wise donators, most of them will be able to guard against charity fraud without stopping their support for public welfare causes.


Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage.

You must finish your answer in 20 minutes.


The speaker and the author hold divergent attitudes toward the future of charitable giving. Through relevant reasons and examples, the lecturer extensively refutes the pessimistic viewpoints stated in the reading material.

According to the writer, people's decreased interest is associated with the shrinking need for individual contributions because of the governmental support. To rebut this idea, the professor claims that the population of the elderly is becoming larger and it will be beyond the government's capability to meet all the demand from the old.This tendency, contrary to the view in the passage, will promote the need for charitable donations.

Second, the passage says that the supreme salary level of major charity leaders has been widely exposed and resented by the public, while the lecturer argues that this may give rise to momentous evolutions. These will renew people's faith in the charities' legitimate responsibilities, which contradicts the point made in the passage.

Finally, opposing the author's belief that the rampancy of charity fraud will incur greater declines, the professor contends that even though people might temporarily reject charitable giving, they will gradually master the techniques of making donations without being cheated. Thus, there will be more and more cautious donators in the future.

(203 words)

















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