







2023-04-21 17:09:31来源:新东方在线托福



Writing Basedon Reading and Listening

Directions: For this task, you will read a passage about an academic topic and you will listen to a lecture about the same topic. You may take notes while you read and listen.

Then you will write a response to a question that asks you about the relationship between the lecture you heard and the reading passage. Try to answer the question as completely as possible using information from the reading passage and the lecture. The question does not ask you to express your personal opinion. You may refer to the reading passage again when you write. You may use your notes to help you answer the question.

Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on the completeness and accuracy of the content.

You should allow 3 minutes to read the passage. Then listento the lecture. Then allow 20 minutes to plan and write your response.

Write your response in the space provided.


Owing to the development of international trade over the past five decades, the swapping of species between different regions has been sped up. However, for several reasons, some researchers claimed that importing species might produce more negative effects.

First, there exists the possibility that species introduced from other places may be destructive to native species. Being stronger to compete for food and accommodation, certain foreign species would decrease or eliminate the population of indigenous species. For instance, in North America, the number of freshwater creatures, including frogs, mussels and salamanders, has slumped sharply due to the invasion of alien species. Some of themeven die out.

Second, the introduced species can also disturb theecological balance of a region and negatively change the way its ecosystem functions. Take the cane toads imported into Florida as an example. Because Florida was short of suitable predators, the destructive behavior of these alien animals disrupted the delicate ecosystem there. At last, they displaced most of the younger species, such as oak toads and the southern toads, leading to the loss of biodiversity in this area. Thus, local people and other species in Florida suffered.

Finally, the introduction of species will impose financial burden on the region. As a matter of fact, the thriving of many imported species does great harm to their new surroundings and large sums of money is required to remedy the damage. For example, the extremely invasive mesquites were imported from the Mexican desert to Africa. Due to their fast growth, the indigenous plant species higher in economic value were crowded out. Hence, the local government had to spend extra money in removing some of these alien trees.

LISTENINGNow play Track 5.


The booming global trade has indeed helped more and more regions in the world to import plants and animals from abroad. Yet will the introduced species really have such destructive impacts as were pointed out by some researchers? In fact, I don't think so.

First, seldom do the imported species post a threat to native species. Undeniably, some of the foreign species truly possess stronger competitive power, but they never eliminate the population of the indigenous species. The drop in the numbers of freshwater animals like mussels and salamanders in North America mostly attributed to serious pollution and infectious diseases. Besides, no concrete evidence has been offered to indicate that it was the alien species that caused the extinction of some home species.

Second, it is unfair to say that introduced speciesalways do harm to the ecological conditions of a place. Although cane toads had some negative effects on Florida, they are only an exception. In most cases, the benefits of imported species far outweigh the risks. To illustrate, under good control, importing living organisms might diversify the agricultural base, provide recreation, and supply research opportunities. Thus, the environment can actually be better managed.

Last, introducing new species to a region may not impose heavy burden on its economy. As a matter of fact,the imported mesquite trees have grown densely in the African deserts and many nesting birds and animals rely on them for shelter and food. Moreover, these trees can be used for firewood and lumber, and are also useful in agriculture. To some extent, they have brought economic gains to the local citizens.


Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure toexplain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage.

You must finish your answer in 20 minutes.


The passage concentrates on the side effects of importing species overseas. But the lecturer demonstrates his disagreement, arguing that the merits of this practice far exceed its disadvantages.

First of all, the writer claims that local species may be harmed by the extremely competitive species imported from other places. Nevertheless, the professor firmly opposes the standpoint that it is the alien species that lead to the extinction of native ones. In fact, there are other more direct causes like pollution and communicable diseases, thereupon overthrowing the notion of the passage.

Second, the writer regards foreign species as a hazard to the ecological environment by citing the destructive cane toads, while the lecture refutes this false impression and clarifies the truth that it is merely an exceptional circumstance. Through enumerating their favorable influences on agriculture, entertainment and research, theprofessor contends that the ecosystem can actually be improved by introduced species.

Third, as the author puts it, importing species from outside will add economical burden to the region. The passage describes how the aggressive mesquites forced the government to consume large sums of money. However, the lecturer presents his disapproval by explaining how mesquites benefit home species and help local people make profits.

(202 words)

















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