







2023-11-06 18:14:20来源:网络



The passage claims that it is highly possible that humpback whales navigate by stars to migrate long distances, while the lecture argues that evidence supporting this navigation theory is unconvincing.

In the first place, the author asserts that the well-developed cognitive ability of humpback whales proves that they are intelligent enough to orient by stars. In contrast, the speaker believes that animals’ intelligence and ability to navigate by stars are not really connected since birds like ducks, which are averaged in cognitive ability and normal in intelligence, can still navigate in this way. Therefore, this ability is only instinct rather than related to overall intelligence.

Besides, the reading passage states moving in straight lines suggests that humpback whales use outer forces — the stars to keep direction, which is refuted by the listening that says this external force that whales senses is Earth’s magnetic field instead of stars, as evidenced by the bio-magnetite in brains of humpback whales making them sensitive to magnetic field.

Finally, the writer points out that the spy-hopping behavior of humpback whales explains that they are looking at the sky and thus navigate by stars; nevertheless, the professor argues that spy-hopping for looking at stars is pure speculation because sharks spy-hop to look for preys rather than migrate by looking at stars and moreover humpback whales often spy-hop during the day when there is no stars.


Friends are often likened to wine — the older, the better. Therefore, even though some people enjoy freshness brought by numerous new friends, the ability to maintain long-term relationship with a small group of people, in my opinion, can bring about comfort, relaxation and help, thus really contributing to our happiness.

To begin with, we often easily feel relaxed and enjoy ourselves when staying with old friends owing to mutual acquaintanceship. Generally speaking, friendship starts with people sharing something in common and then continues with they keeping in touch with each other. Thus when planning to keep or even further strengthen friendship with someone, especially for a long time, we are supposed to take initiative to tell him or her about what we encounter before and after we meet, why we think in this or other ways, and how we look at or evaluate something. My decade-long friendship with Hanna is a case in point. I met her when both of us were learning to ride a bike during summer vacation and soon became friends after we exchange our knowledge about riding and mending skills. Though being in different schools, we frequently shared our daily life by sending letters, postcards, and pictures back then and still text or phone each other nowadays. Every time we chat, I know describing special costumes people wear on Halloween or dress party can amuse her because of her interest in cloth design and she will imitate my favorite cartoon character Sponge Bob’s voice to make me laugh. However, a friend to all is a friend to none. Keeping too much friends are like planting numerous flowers in a big garden — one just barely has enough time and energy to caring everyone until they blossom. Hence, keeping making new friends hardly win us deep bond, without which we won’t feel relaxed or comfortable.

Additionally, we can gain more help or even improvement from maintaining a long-lasting friendship than from establishing new ones. People we are able to and willing to keep close association with could never be those who lend us umbrella when it is sunny but take it back when it rains. That is to say, standing the test of time, old friends readily trust and devote to each other. Then whenever we confront troublesome issues, be they academic failure or daily trivial, they are always there for us to make complaints and seek for help. For instance, one of my best friend Peter, who lives next to me since we were pupils, pulled me out of trouble when i was at wits end about preparing for TOEFL test. After he saw me complaining on Facebook about the difficulty of achieving a satisfying score for several times, he sent me his notebook which explicitly records all words of high priority with pictures for memorizing and examples for understanding; moreover, he began to text with me in English in order to train me to type English efficiently and spoke to me by phone or in person in English to practice my pronunciation and speaking skills. Yet a new friend we make is hardly likely to devote so much energy or time to giving a hand like this. Furthermore, compared with new friends who often hesitate to point out a new acquaintance’s mistakes, old friends who will directly advise us wisely are mirrors reflecting our shortcomings. For example, they will ask us to stay motivated rather than complacent when we make achievement and they will encourage us to make apologies when we make mistakes.

To summarize, the ability to keep friendship with a small group people for a long time is the key to happiness allowing for comfort and help we can gain from intimate old friends.







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