






老托福听力93篇-Everyone is

2015-02-18 21:57:35来源:网络

  新东方在线为大家精心整理了老托福听力93篇-Everyone is的相关内容,分享给大家,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

  Everyone is interested in improving their diet. Adding grains is one of the easiest ways. Many people in the United States have a growing concern about nutrition, so grains are often served in restaurants. And many grains are now available in grocery stores, too, though for some you still have to go to health food stores. You can stock up when you go, though, because uncooked grains keep a long time. You'll find that grains are easy to prepare. Many grains are as simple to cook as spaghetti. Barley, for instance, is just cooked in salted water. Remember, though, whole-grain barley, the most nutritious kind, never will get as tender as spaghetti no matter how long it's cooked. Grain-based salads are easy, too. Just use grains left over from a hot meal. You call even put together a grain salad hours before you need it, since grains don't wilt like lettuce does. But to get back to health factors, all grains are nutritious and many have special benefits. Barley has very little fat. Some experts believe that it may even reduce cholesterol levels. Jasmine rice is also low in fat. And it has a bonus in its wonderful aroma, a very special fragrance.


  1. diet: n. [C]饮食

  2. grain: n. [C]谷物,谷类

  3. nutrition: n. [C]营养

  4. grocery: n. [C]食品杂货店,食品,杂货

  5. stock: v. 囤积

  6. spaghetti: n. [C]意大利面条

  7. barley: n. [C]大麦

  8. salted: adj. 盐腌的,盐味的

  9. whole-grain: adj. 整粒的

  10. nutritious: adj. 有营养成分的,营养的

  11. tender: adj. 嫩的

  12. leave over: 剩余,残留

  13. salad: n. [C]色拉

  14. wilt: v. 枯萎

  15. lettuce: n. [C]莴苣,生菜

  16. cholesterol: 胆固醇

  17. jasmine: n. [C]玫瑰

  18. bonus: n. [C]额外给予的东西

  19. aroma: n. [C]芳香,香气

  20. fragrance: n. [C]芬芳,香气,香味


  Well, in answer to your question, several women actively participated in the Civil War. The one that comes immediately to mind is Mary Walker. She's important because she's the only woman ever to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. As you know, this medal is given to people who've served the United States with exceptional bravery. In addition, she was the only female physician in either of the two armies that fought in that war. Even though she had two medical degrees, many officers made her life difficult because they didn't believe that a woman should be a doctor. However, she refused to back down and leave the army. In fact, she risked her life several times during the war and was even captured at one point, but she was soon released. Umm, after the war, she was arrested several times for wearing pants. And although Congress eventually tried to take her medal away, she refused to give it back and continued to wear it wherever she went. She died in 1919, a year before women received the right to vote, which brings me to my next point.


  1. exceptional: adj. 异常的,格外的

  2. bravery: n. [C]勇敢

  3. physician: n. [C]医师,内科医师

  4. back down: 放弃原主张

  5. capture: v. 俘获,捕获

  6. pants: n. [C]短裤

  以上就是新东方在线为大家总结的老托福听力93篇-Everyone is的相关内容,最后预祝大家在托福考试中取得优异的成绩!








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