







2024-10-28 16:03:57来源:网络




主题:Bird feeder 的影响


1. First, feeders encourage many birds to gather in one place and thus facilitate the spread of diseases. A particularly pointed example of this may well be house finches, a species commonly drawn to feeders. This species has experienced an epidemic of infectious eye disease and its population has declined by 60 percent in the last decade. Feeders may have accelerated the spread of the disease by encouraging house finches to gather in concentrated numbers.

2. Second, when people put feeders near their homes, they are exposing birds to several dangers. Predators such as hour cats and hawks find it easy to catch and eat birds that come to the feeders. Furthermore, when frightened birds attempt to escape from predators, they often fly directly into the windows of nearby houses and cars because they cannot see these dangerous obstacles. Millions of birds die from the combined effects of predators and window strike every year.
3. Third, bird feeders could encourage birds that typically migrate to warmer areas during the winter to remain in areas they would otherwise leave, thus disrupting the natural order. Birds delayed in their winter migration could be injured or killed by harsh weather they would otherwise have avoided, or they may miss their chance to pair up with mates because they arrived late to breeding grounds.


1. First, bird feeders do not contribute to the spread of bird diseases in a major way; natural factors play a much more important role. Take the spread of infectious eye disease among house finches. House finches are birds that tend to fly together in large groups. The groups are very active and constantly move to new areas, where they come in contact with other groups of finches. Because the groups are so large and because they move around, it’s easy to see how the eye disease was able to spread rapidly from one individual to the next and from one group to the next. Bird feeders didn’t really play a role in this.

2. Second, while it ’ s true that birds are attracted by feeders are at risk of predator
attacks, the benefits of additional nutrition that the feeders provide far outweigh those risks. Birds that have access to extra nutrition are likely to be strong and healthy and have much higher levels of reproductive success. They’re much more likely to successfully raise their young into adulthood. The additional numbers of healthy young birds more than make up the numbers of birds lost to the predator attacks. So, feeders actually help bird populations increase rather than cause their decline.

3. Third, birds would not delay their migration because of food in bird feeders. The main signal telling birds when they should migrate is sunlight. Most birds recognize it’s time to migrate because the days are getting shorter. Birds don ’ t use food availability as an important signal. So putting food in bird feeders as winter is coming doesn’t delay birds, it merely provides nutrition for birds that are already delayed for some other reason.


Doctor Achebe: Next week, we are going to talk about ways to evaluate online sources of information. As you know, while there is a lot of information available on the Internet, it is not all equally reliable. Not all the information you find on websites is accurate, and some of it is even intentionally misleading. When looking for information online, what do you think is the best way to determine whether the information is accurate and truthful?
Kelly: If I need to be sure information is accurate, I consult scholarly, peer-reviewed sources, like academic journals. If other experts have reviewed the information and approved it, then I know it is likely to be reliable. If I have any doubts, I can always ask my professors.
Paul: While I agree with Claire to an extent, not all the information you need is available in academic journals. If I need more general information online, I consider the source. Who posts the information to the site? Do they have anything to gain from presenting inaccurate information-for example, are they selling a product related to the topic? Asking these kinds of questions is important.












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