







2014-05-13 14:39:12来源:新东方在线编辑整理



  lost-and-found office 失物招领处

  pasta 意大利面食(包括通心粉及面条等)

  good stuff 非常精彩

  blind date 从未晤面的男女经第三者安排所作的约会

  Have fun! 祝你们愉快

  After you 请先走

  ginger ale 姜汁无酒精饮料

  bonsai tree 盆栽 ,

  a tummy ache 肚子有点痛

  speaking of sth 说到……

  He's something! 他真了不起

  the Big Apple 纽约

  Pleasant dreams! 祝你有个好梦

  Fabulous! 令人难以置信

  It's a nap. 简单得很。

  No sweat. 绝对没问题。

  a piece of cake 不费吹灰之力的事

  not feel a thing 丝毫没感觉

  It's all set. 都安排好了

  I'm on my way over. 我马上就来

  enough for an army 一大堆

  not a chance! 不可能

  So long. 再见。

  a special on sth. down at the supermarket 超级市场特价

  Last but not least 最后但同等重要的

  be grouchy 发牢骚

  What's gotten into him? 他怎麽搞的

  touchdown n.[美橄]触地得分

  I can tell. 我能觉察到。

  cheer you up 让你舒畅些

  Atta girl! 好女孩

  a pal 好朋友; }

  Ready, folks? 可以点菜了吗,两位

  a sore loser 输不起的失败者

  Doesn't show. 看不出来。

  get right to 直接进入正题2

  smell the flowers 享受人生乐趣

  take the time 别那么忙'

  a real/good buy 价格便宜的

  down payment 预付定金

  it depends. 这还要看情况.

  advance 预付款&

  has a point 说得对

  mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥

  tossed green salad 蔬菜沙拉

  That's music to my ears. 正合我意

  on the line 处于危险考验中

  Welcome aboard 欢迎加入

  earn your weight in gold 你可帮了大忙

  It's a deal! 就这么约定-

  tuna fish 金枪鱼

  shuffle the deck 洗牌

  Don't be silly 别闹了

  a proposal 求婚

  first things first 重要的事情先来

  We've earned it. 我们有这样做的权利.

  a good sport about 对于……看的开

  take the liberty of 冒昧地做了……

  it's heavenly! 这太美好了!

  You're reading my mind. 你说的正是我想的.)

  on the house [美俚]主人开销的, 免费的

  dead end 死路

  fork in the road 岔路

  pass away 去世

  ring a bell 突然想起来,有印象

  feel right 不赖,有前景

  hot off the press 刚刚印出来

  gang 大伙儿

  do a commercial 做广告

  be up to 胜任, 从事于

  now what? 下一步怎么办 ?

  Leave it to me. 交给我来办吧。

  guess what? 你们猜怎么着?

  Just cool down 冷静一点

  tak an early lead 最初领先

  fella n <俚>伙伴,伙计,小伙子

  bow tie 蝴蝶结领结

  tuxedo n.男士无尾半正式晚礼服

  big day 大生意的日子

  jitters n.神经过敏

  best man n.<美>男傧相

  lapel pockets 胸前的口袋

  kick off shoes 脱掉鞋

  Anybody home? 有人在家吗

  head off for bed 去睡觉

  Things on my mind. 想一些事情。

  in the ward 住院.

  A Big Fish in a Little Pond 大材小用

  be wrestling with the question 一直左思右想

  be torn/ in a fog / up in the air / in a bind /split in two / be pulled in two diredtions / of two minds about it 不知所措

  get my act together / get it all figured out /get on the right track /straighten everthing out / 解决问题3 }

  wound-up adj. 1.激动的 2.紧张的 3.生气的

  I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭听。

  backbreaking work 非常辛劳的工作

  straight-back chair 直背椅

  folding chair 折椅

  end table 茶几

  energy and stamina 体力和耐力

  live up to one's word 兑现诺言

  pitch in 努力投入

  help out 帮助(某人)解决困难

  roll up one's sleeve 卷起袖子, 准备行动

  assembly hall n.会馆, 议场

  farewell party n.惜别会

  I'm broke. 我身无分文

  I'm kind of short of cash. 我手头很紧

  But that isn't the way it works. 但是现实不是如此。

  Bon voyage [法]再见, 一路顺风[平安]

  -How'd it go? 怎麽样啦

  -OK, I guess. 我想还好吧。

  mustard 芥末

  ketchup 调味蕃茄酱

  hamburger patty 汉堡碎肉饼

  relish 开胃小菜

  plastic cup 塑料被

  common practice 惯例

  stand by 支持, 遵守, 袖手旁观, 准备行动

  Be our guest. 请随意

  keep one's fingers crossed 祈愿, 祷告

  yuck! 讨厌!)

  be scared to death 吓得要死

  run out of excuses 我再也找不出籍口了

  fruit punch 果汁喷趣酒(清凉饮料)

  my heart is pounding. / i'm out of breath. / i can't think straight. / my palms are sweaty / i've got butterflies in my stomach. / i'm weak in the knees. / jumpy / jittery / anxious / panicky 非常紧张,惊惶失措!

  no more stalling 别再拖延了

  if I may have your attention for a moment, please? 我想借用你们一点时间好吗

  settle for 满足于

  What's this about? 这是怎么回事

  I'm flattered. 我受宠若惊


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