







2023-10-22 11:36:00来源:网络


TPO 39-Task1试题

A friend of yours is thinking of taking a year off to work before going to a university. Explain to your friend why this is or is not a good idea.


原因1: 一年的时间太长。

细节1: 回来之后跟不上教授,影响成绩。

原因2: 找不到好工作

细节2: 售货员等。对以后没有帮助。

TPO 39-Task1答案

I believe that taking a year off to work before going to a university is a bad idea. Because first of all, one year is just too much. He will probably forget all the knowledge that he learned in high school so when he started college after that, he will probably not be able to follow what the professor has to say in the lectures. So, it will negatively affect his grades. And also, I believe that even if he manages to get some kind of job before going to university, it will be kind of like a low-quality kind of job like a cashier or like a sales person, because he doesn’t have a university degree. So that’s kind of work experience is not that valuable for his future as well.

TPO 39-Task2试题

If you were given the choice of a school or work assignment, would you prefer to write a long report or give a speech in front of a large group of people? Use details and examples to explain your choice.


原因1: 不喜欢写report

细节1: 需要读很多文章和数据。

原因2: 可以锻炼演讲能力

细节2: 对未来的工作和学习有帮助。

TPO 39-Task2参考答案

I would like to give a speech in front of a large group of people. Because first of all, I don’t enjoy writing reports. I have to read a lot of data, or maybe a read a lot of articles online in order to come up with what to write about. And academic writing has always been painful for me. So, I don’t enjoy writing long reports. Also, I believe that giving a speech can improve my public speaking skills, which is something that I consider really important, because nowadays a lot of schoolwork or a lot of jobs will give me opportunities to speak in front of a large audience. So, I believe that kind of skill is something that I should practice. And giving a speech in front of large groups of people will give me a chance to practice the kind of skill.

TPO 39-Task3参考答案

The letter suggests that the school provide a ride-sharing program to students, because students can save money by commuting in groups instead of separately, and it has a positive impact on the environment as well. The woman agrees with the proposal for two reasons. Firstly, she drives to campus herself, and the gas money gradually adds up. By sharing rides, students can save not only gas money, but also the money they need to spend on the maintenance and repair of the cars, since there will be a daily wear and tear. Secondly, more people are coming to the city now, so there are more traffic. All the carbon dioxide from the cars are polluting the environment more and more. This program can help reduce the emission of carbon dioxide.

TPO 39-Task4参考答案

Signaling is that seller of a product finds a way to demonstrate its product’s high quality, usually through a trusted third party’s unbiased opinion. In the lecture, the professor uses his friend’s experience as an example. His friend has a jewellery store, and her products are all very expensive, thousands of dollars because they are all real. So if someone wants to buy her jewelries, they want to know the products are real for sure, since they’re spending a lot of money on it. But the customers don’t know how to distinguish the real things with fake ones. So she hired an expert who has twenty years of experience in this field to come in and check all her items. The expert certified that everything was authentic. Since this expert didn’t work in the store, it didn’t matter to him if the items were sold or not, so customers are more likely to trust his opinion.

TPO 39-Task5试题


Problem: The man wants to audition for a theatre club’s production, Hamlet. He mistook the audition time for next week, it is actually tomorrow. He didn’t prepare anything yet.

Solution 1+disadvantage: He can prepare tonight, and cancel his study plan with his friend. But he promised to help his friend for a physics test.

Solution 2+disadvantage: He could help his friend first, then prepare for the audition, even for a whole night. But he won’t perform well if he’s tired.

Recommendation: Solution 2

Reasons: 1. He really wants to take part in this play, so he needs enough time to prepare for it. He probably doesn’t need to prepare for a whole night, since the audition doesn’t last long. He still needs at least 2 to 3 hours for it and then have a good night’s sleep. So, he won’t look tired during the audition. 2. He can apologize to his friend and explain the situation to him, and then maybe find another friend or classmate to help him out with the physics exam.

TPO 39-Task5参考答案

The main issue for the man is that he wants to audition for a theatre club’s production, Hamlet. But he mistook the audition time for next week, it is actually tomorrow. He didn’t prepare anything yet. There are two solutions, one is to prepare tonight, and cancel his study plan with his friend. Another is to help his friend first, then prepare for the audition, even for a whole night. If I were the man, I would choose the first solution for two reasons. Firstly, he really wants to take part in this play, so he needs enough time to prepare for it. He probably doesn’t need to prepare for a whole night, since the audition doesn’t last long. He still needs at least 2 to 3 hours for it and then has a good night’s sleep. So, he won’t look tired during the audition. Plus, he can apologize to his friend and explain the situation to him, and then maybe find another friend or classmate to help him out with the physics exam.

TPO 39-Task6参考答案

The professor talks about two special features that help animals move around in a mountainous environment. One is, many mountain animals have strong muscles to help them climb up and down in mountains. For example, the mountain goats, living in the mountains in parts of North America, have a large, well-muscled chest and front-leg area, and these help them to pull themselves up in steep slopes and balance when they come down. Another is, many mountain animals have specially adapted feet to prevent slippery. For example. The bighorn sheep have special toes that move independently, so they can dig into rock and ice. And the back of their feet have special rubbery pads to help them grip and prevent sliding as they move around.




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