







2023-10-21 11:36:00来源:网络


TPO 38-Task1试题

Your friend is thinking about getting a pet and asks for your advice. What kind of pet would you recommend for your friend? Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


原因1: 狗可以听懂人的语言。

细节1: 让他们坐下,叫他们过来。


细节2: 就像有额外的朋友。

TPO 38-Task1答案

I believe that my friend should get a dog. Because first of all, I believe that dogs are the kind of animals that can actually listen and understand people. For example, when you ask them to come over or when you ask him to sit down, they can actually obey your orders, which is kind of cute. And also you can try training them to do something for you like picking up the newspapers or getting something for you. Besides, I believe that dogs can be really good friends of people. For example, if you ever need someone to talk to, dogs are always there by your side. Whenever you feel you’re happy or sad, you can always share your emotions with a pet dog. I think that it‘s just like you have an extra friend to talk to.

TPO 38-Task2试题

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more enjoyable for students to read works of fiction (such as novels and stories) than nonfiction. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.


论点1: 有故事情节。

细节1: 更引人入胜,比如福尔摩斯。

论点2: 人物多。

细节2: 三国演义;有不同性格特点的人物。

TPO 38-Task2参考答案

I believe it is more enjoyable for students to read works of fictions, like novels. Because novels have stories and they have plots. So, it’s more interesting to read. Students will always be eager to know what‘s gonna happen next, especially for those intriguing stories like Sherlock Holmes. So, I think students will be able to enjoy them more. And also, in a fiction, there are always plenty of characters with different personalities. Like, in a very famous Chinese novel, Legend of Three Kingdoms, they actually introduced hundreds of different people, each with unique characteristic and unique personality. So, I think that’s also something students enjoy while reading fictions.

TPO 38-Task3参考答案

The letter suggests that the university should make the student plays free for everyone, because the local community can enjoy it, and a larger audience is beneficial to the student actors as well. The man agrees with this for two reasons. Firstly, there is not much to do in town, there’s not even a movie theatre. People need to travel to a farther place to watch a play. And professional plays are expensive. If the school does this, the local community has another option to watch plays that won’t be so expensive. Secondly, it will definitely help the actors, since with a larger audience, the actors will feel more energetic. Like if it’s a comedy, in order to make it seem really funny, you need more people to laugh at the jokes. Having more people helps the play to come along.

TPO 38-Task4参考答案

Phoresy is a relationship between two species. One species can’t transport themselves, so they use another species to transport them without causing any injuries. The professor uses the example of mites and hummingbirds to explain it. Mites are small insect-like animals, they feed on nectar and pollen in flowers. But tropical flowers wilt quickly, mites need to find another flower to eat quickly too. Mites are too small, and they can’t fly, so it takes a long time for them to climb down and up a new flower. They choose the hummingbirds as the helper. Hummingbirds also feed on nectar. So when the hummingbird comes and sticks its beak into the flower, the mites quickly climb onto it. Because mites are tiny, so the bird isn’t harmed. They just stick to the hummingbird, when the bird goes from flower to flower, it takes the mites along. When the bird gets to the next flower, the mites climb off and eat in the new flower.

TPO 38-Task5试题


Problem: The man left his psychology book in the science lab. He needs it to review for tomorrow morning’s test.

Solution 1+disadvantage: He could study his notes tonight and get the book tomorrow morning at 5 am. But he won’t have enough time to review the book.

Solution 2+disadvantage: He can study with another classmate. But he’s not a good student, the man needs to tutor him instead of reviewing what he wants to review.

TPO 38-Task5参考答案

Recommendation: Solution 2

Reasons: 1. He would have a book and his notes to review for the test, and he doesn’t need to get up too early tomorrow morning. 2. Tutoring his classmate is also a way to review, he can use it as a tool to check his own understanding of the things they’ve learnt, and he knows which parts he needs to spend more time on reviewing if he can’t explain those clearly.

The main issue for the man is that he left his psychology book in the science lab. He needs it to review for tomorrow morning’s test. There are two solutions accordingly, one is that he could study his notes tonight and get the book tomorrow morning at 5 am. Another is that he can study with another classmate. If I were the man I would choose to study with the classmate for two reasons. Firstly, he would have a book and his notes to review for the test, and he doesn’t need to get up too early tomorrow morning. Also, tutoring his classmate is also a way to review, he can use it as a tool to check his own understanding of the things they’ve learnt, and he knows which parts he needs to spend more time on reviewing if he can’t explain those clearly.

TPO 38-Task6参考答案

The professor talks about two economic changes in ancient civilizations. One change is the way people paid for goods and services. Many began to use money to pay, a monetary system established. Because people can trade with anyone. For example, a baker who wanted a new coat, the man could buy a coat from the coat maker with money. This was better than trading, because the coat maker probably didn’t want any bread. Another change is that people can get items from far away places. People used to trade locally, as the civilization developed, they began trading with distant places for things they didn’t have. For example, the ancient Romans never had silk fabrics until they started trading with Chinese. So when Romans started traveling to China, they had silk, which was expensive because they can’t get it from other places.




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