







2015-08-05 10:46:12来源:网络




  Subjects 课程/科目

  1. Describe a subject you have studied in school. Explain why you like it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

  My favorite subject at school is international studies. I love this subject a lot because firstly, our professors are world-class. Charles Hill, an international figure during the cold war, was once myteacher, and his lectures are so intelligent and inspiring. Besides, I speak 4 languages myself,

  Chinese, English, Japanese and French, so I really want to get involved in the international affairs in the future and make use of my language skills. Finally, my career goal is to work for a famous NGO, such as the WTO or the UN. So that’s why I am so interested in the international studies.

  Although I know that I have to study a variety of subjects to become a well-rounded person, math and English are two courses on which I put special focus. The reason for my attitude comes frommy career plans, I want to become a biotechnology engineer, Mathematics, of course, is basic to learn the physics, chemicals and compter operations. English is also very important because the America has a big lop ahead in biotechnology. So if I what to keep ahead with the everyday news in this field, I have to reed a lot of materials in English and go to America for my future research.By working particularly hard in these classes, I feel I am furthering my career plans, as well as getting good grades now!

  2. ■ 125 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to support your answer.


  尽管All是绝对修饰词,不过要注意,是secondary school(中学)。所以,不妨同意。因为仍然处于义务教育(compulsory education)阶段。

  • 学习音乐艺术也是一种很好的休息,对所有的人都有好处

  • 学科之间是相通的(interrelated; interlinked),审美观念( aesthetic standards)的塑造对每个人、每种


  • 可以提高国民整体的文化素质

  (审美方法 aesthetic approach; 审美观念 aesthetic standards; 审美教育 aesthetic education; 审美模式aesthetic model; 审美能力 aesthetic judgment; 审美学 aesthetics; 审美意识 aesthetic consciousness)





  3. ■137 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. Use specific reasons and examplesto support your opinion.



  • 依据教育的课程安排是有一定科学道理的,学一些没必要的课程占用太多时间,对学生未来考大学可能不利。

  • 而相应地,学校也有责任随着时代的发展,不停地改进课程安排。让学生们可以得到真正有用的教育。





  4. ■69 If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.



  • 可能比自己目前的专业更容易找工作(可以给自己编造一个非常偏僻的专业)

  • 救死扶伤很有成就感

  • 家人身体不舒服却束手无策(have no more arrows left in one's quiver; at one's wits' end)很不好受






  5. Some people believe that universities should require students to take classes on ethics, whereas others believe a school should focus only on academic issues. Which do you think is better? Support your decision with reasons and examples.

  6. ■75 Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.


  很难说哪一个比另外一个更好。It's hard to say one is better than the other.

  • 学习范围过于广泛(extensive)可能会导致深度不够(superficial interpretation)

  • 学习范围过于狭窄(limited)可能会导致无知(educated ignorance)

  • 所以,学习应该既保证广度,也要保证深度。事实上,学科之间总是存在着某种这样那样的联系。比如物理学和哲学就两个一定程度上相辅相成(be inseparably interconnected)。折衷的方法是,学 校开设很多的选修课。要求学生在学好本专业课程的同时,尽量多地了解其他领域。





  7. What is the most interesting class you have ever taken? Explain the aspects of the class that made it interesting. Include details and examples in your explanation. ★ [2006.5.12]

  In my previous studies at college, there are quite a few importance courses and one of the most important one of them, if I had to choose one, would be Calculus. Well, as I am an engineering major, in my curriculum there are many courses requiring complicated calculation, equation deduction and math model building. All these need knowledge in calculus as a foundation. Besides, mastery of some quantitative analysis methods will greatly benefit my ability to make a sensible judgment in a complex situation in workplace, no matter what job I"ll take up in the future. Finally, without a good sense of advanced mathematics, I will not be able to appreciate the beauty of symmetry in many artistic forms

  8. Some people believe that students should focus their time on academic subjects. Others don’t think learning academic subjects is enough. They believe that students should also learn other things such as movies and music. Which opinion do you think is more reasonable, andwhy? ★ [北美2007.3.24]

  I think school should have music class. Music is an important subject. It is so classical that every school should give the kids chance to learn it. Without learning it, the student will be too ignorant and blind in the subject thus be less competitive in the future. What’s more, by listening and learning the elegant music will make the student have a nice taste. It is also very crucial to their future career of life. There are numerous kinds of music, not only pop, but also jazz, opera, musicals and blues. All of these are classical element of a testable life. More importantly, music will make kids smarter, by learning the rhythm, pace and tune, the kids will have better sense and help to study better. It is a fabulous change of pace too~!

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