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  本文是TOEFL课外读物推荐:The Economist-How to fight back. The battle against Islamic State must be waged on every front.。托福阅读材料:如何反击希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线托福网!


  托福阅读材料:How to fight back

  The battle against Islamic State must be waged on every front

  Nov 21st 2015 | From the print edition

  THE assault on Paris by Islamic State (IS) on November 13th was an attack on life’s innocent pleasures. The terrorists shot anyone who strayed into their gunsights—ordinarymecs out for a gig, sharing a drink, or watching a football friendly. It could have been any big city. It could have been you.

  The deadly grasp of IS now reaches far from its base in Syria and Iraq. A day before Paris, suicide-bombers killed 43 people in Lebanon. Last month, 224 died when a bomb destroyed a Russian aircraft over Egypt. IS has spread death across the Middle East and north Africa. This week it pledged to kill Crusaders in Washington and beyond.

  In this section

  How to fight back

  Back in court

  Getting boomier

  Machine learning

  ReprintsParis was scarred by jihadist violence only ten months ago. It became a city whose world-class intelligence service was on high alert—and still IS got through to maim and kill (seearticle). Plainly and tragically, the world needs to build stronger defences. The question is how?

  First, know thy enemy

  IS bases its terrorism on a vicious calculation. It believes that successful attacks will inspire the would-be Muslim radicals that it is trying to recruit. But it also wants to provoke a backlash in order to convince those same radicals that the world despises them and their religion. In February IS propaganda described a “greyzone” in which some Muslims’ loyalty is divided between radical Islam and a country where they do not feel that they completely belong. IS wants terrorism to drive Muslims out of this greyzone and into the black-robed embrace of the Caliphate.

  The response must be just as calculating. Leading the mourning this week, François Hollande, France’s president, vowed to destroy IS. That is a worthy aim, but a partial one, because other jihadist groups with equally murderous intent will thrive in the violent crevices of the Middle East. The struggle will be long. Countries therefore need policies that they can sustain even as the Middle East remains turbulent and, inevitably, the terrorists sometimes get through.

  Remember that the West has two things to defend: the lives of its citizens, and the liberal values of tolerance and the rule of law that underpin its society. Where these are in conflict, it should choose policies that minimise the damage to values in order to make large gains in protection. Sadly, in the scramble for security, that principle often seems to be the first thing to go.

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