







2023-10-19 11:49:56来源:网络


TPO 36-Task1试题

What advice would you give to a child just starting school? Why do you think this advice will be helpful to the child? Use details and examples to explain your answer.

What advice would you give to a child just starting school? Why do you think this advice will be helpful to the child? Use details and examples to explain your answer.



细节1: 作业题不会做的时候。

原因2: 不会感到孤单。

细节2: 更多人陪他玩。

TPO 36-Task1参考答案

Well, if there’s a kid who’s just starting school, I think he should try to make as many friends as possible, cuz I think it’s very important for him to have a lot of friends in elementary school. So when he meets some trouble, like, if he doesn’t know how to solve any of the problems in his homework, or if he doesn’t understand any of the class materials in the lectures, there’s always someone to turn to for help. Also, if this kid has a lot of friends, it’s very unlikely for him to feel lonely, cuz there’ll always be some people that are willing to hang out with him. They’ll have a lot of fun together so the kid will definitely be happier in school.

TPO 36-Task2试题

Some people buy food that is already prepared. Other people buy fresh food and prepare meals themselves. Which do you prefer? Explain why, using details and examples in your answer.


原因1: 更健康

细节1: 蔬菜、肉、油更新鲜。

原因2: 更便宜

细节2: 做对比,省钱干别的。

TPO 36-Task2参考答案

Well personally, I prefer to buy fresh food and prepare meals by myself. Because first of all, I think this is a healthier way of eating. If I eat outside, like, in a restaurant, I don’t know what kind of ingredients they use. Maybe the ingredients they use are of bad quality, or not fresh anymore. But, if I buy the materials myself, like, vegetable oil and meat, I can trust myself. I can trust the quality of the food. And also, I believe this is a lot cheaper. For example, if I eat outside in the restaurant, it’s gonna cost me like $15 to even $50. But, if I cook by myself, it costs me like less than $10 per meal. That can save me a lot of money.

TPO 36-Task3参考答案

The letter suggests that the school should allow students’ laptops in class, because it’s quicker and easier to take notes, and students can pay more attention to lectures. Professors can also direct students to use web resources, so they can look up useful information or background information. The man disagrees for two reasons. Firstly, he thinks students will pay less attention because there’s too much distraction. Some students may take notes, but a lot more students will play the computer, like surfing the Internet, emailing their friends or playing games. Secondly, not everyone has a laptop, so not all students can follow along in class if the professor wants to use the Internet as a teaching tool.

TPO 36-Task4参考答案

The suspension of disbelief is to put aside our doubts temporarily when watching plays, so we can be more absorbed in the play. The professor uses his own experience as an example. The professor’s college roommate Richard played in a school play. When the professor first saw him on stage, he was distracted. He still recognized him as his roommate, he could tell that Richard was trying to act like an old man, cus he colored his hair gray and walked slowly. Then as the play continued, the professor saw Richard less as the guy he lived with, more as the old man, the father in the play. When the father was sick, the professor felt sad; when the family had no money, the professor worried for them. In the end of the play, the family came together and found jobs and paid the bills, and the father recovered from illness, the professor felt happy and relieved.

TPO 36-Task5试题

Problem: The woman has a time conflict problem between going on a ski trip on weekend and having dinner with her cousin on Saturday night.

Solution 1+Disadvantage: She could explain to her cousin and have dinner on Friday night. But she’s worried about offending her cousin, asking her to come one day earlier.

Solution 2+Disacvantage: She can go to part of the ski trip on Sunday. But she’d only have a couple of hours to ski.

TPO 36-Task5参考答案

Recommendation: Solution 1

Reasons: 1. She made the ski trip plan first, and if she explains to her cousin, her cousin would understand how important the trip is to her and won’t feel offended. She can treat her cousin to a really nice dinner to make it up for it. 2. If she goes on Sunday, she can only ski for a few hours. But now she can ski for the whole weekend!

The woman has a time conflict problem between going on a ski trip on weekend and having dinner with her cousin on Saturday night. There are two solutions. She could explain to her cousin and have dinner on Friday night. Or she can go to part of the ski trip on Sunday. If I were the woman, I would choose the first solution. Because firstly, she made the ski trip plan first, and if she explains to her cousin, her cousin would understand how import the trip is to her and won’t feel offended. She can treat her cousin to a really nice dinner to make it up for it. And if she goes on Sunday, she can only ski for a few hours. But now she can ski for the whole weekend!

TPO 36-Task6参考答案

The professor talks about how snails survive in hot and dry climate. First, in the hot climate, snails would find shelter of vegetation, so they can get out of the sun and into the shades. The ground is hot in the sun because it absorbs and radiates heat. Snails can attach themselves to a wall or a tree since it’s cooler. Second, in the dry climate, snails secret a sticky slimy substance that’s made of calcium and use it to cover the opening of the shell. Snails stay inside for a long time, and their bodies slow down, so they don’t need much food. They survive on the previously stored food. When it rains again, they will open the shell.




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