







2023-10-20 11:36:00来源:网络


TPO 37-Task1试题

In order to teach young people about good nutrition and health, your school is planning to require students to take cooking classes in addition to other subjects. Do you think this requirement is a good idea? Why or why not?


原因1: 总有一天要学会自己做饭

细节1: 当上学或者开始工作的时候,自己一个人住。

原因2: 自己做饭省钱。

细节2: 进行比较,省钱用来干别的。

TPO 37-Task1答案

I think this is a good requirement. Because first of all, someday in the future, the children have to learn how to cook by themselves, like, when they start college, or when they start working, they’re gonna be living by themselves. And that is when they have to learn how to cook by themselves. And also, it’s gonna help them save a lot of money. For example, if they eat outside, it’s gonna cost them, like, $30 every day. But, if they cook by themselves, that’s gonna save them a lot of money. So, they can use the money on something else, something more useful.

TPO 37-Task2试题

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students will learn more if the teacher is kind and friendly. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.


原因1: 友善的老师更擅长和学生交流。

细节1: 可以了解学生们的优缺点和性格。

原因2: 孩子们更愿意听从友善的老师的。

细节2: 服从命令,学习更好。

TPO 37-Task2参考答案

I do believe that students will be able to learn more if the teacher is kind and friendly. Because first of all, a kind and friendly teacher will be willing to talk more to the students, so he will probably know more about the advantages, the disadvantages and the personalities of the children. So, maybe he will be able to teach the children better by giving them the appropriate tasks or the tasks that are the most suitable to the children. And also, I believe that if a child has a family teacher, they will be more willing to listen to what the teacher have to say. Maybe they will obey the teacher’s orders and then the children will be able to learn a lot better.

TPO 37-Task3参考答案

The letter suggests that it is unnecessary to have room phones in dorms, because students all have mobile phones, and this has a cost benefit, students can save money. The woman disagrees with the letter. Firstly, it is good to have both because the cellphone service is not reliable. There are hills around. Sometimes the calls will get cut off or the reception is not good. So it is good to have a back up option. Secondly, students only pay per call, so if they don’t make many calls, they don’t pay much. Just avoid using the room phone, it won’t cost a lot of money.

TPO 37-Task4参考答案

Communal nutrition means that some members of a colony gather and provide different kinds of food to the entire colony. The professor uses ants as an example. Ants live in nests. The forager ants look for food every day. They don’t just bring back anything they find. When the colony is mostly of adult ants, they bring back sugar-rich items, like fruits. Because adult ants need energy to work. When baby ants are born, they need food that are rich in protein to grow into adult ants. So the forager ants will bring back food like certain types of leaves, or mushrooms, to provide enough protein for the baby ants to grow.

TPO 37-Task5试题


Problem: The man just moved to a new apartment, it’s a long commute to campus. His car broke down and he couldn’t afford to fix it.

Solution 1+disadvantage: His brother can loan him money to fix the car. But he needs to return the money soon, he only has a part-time job.

Solution 2+disadvantage: He can take the bus instead. But he needs to change buses for a few times and that takes a really long time to campus, and also back home. He’d have to change his schedule.

TPO 37-Task5参考答案

Reasons: 1. It’s his brother. If he explains to his brother and returns the money in a longer time period, his brother probably will agree. 2 It’s more convenient for him to commute by car. If he takes the bus, he will waste more time on the road, which he could have used to study.

The main issue for the man is that he just moved to a new apartment, it’s a pretty long commute to campus. His car broke down and he couldn’t afford to fix it. There are two solutions accordingly, one is that his brother loans him money to fix the car. Another is that he can take the bus instead. If I were the man, I’d choose the first solution. Firstly, it’s his brother. If he explains to his brother and returns the money in a longer time period, since he only has one part-time job, it will take a longer time for him to save up enough money. His brother probably will agree. And secondly, it’s more convenient for him to commute by car. If he takes the bus, he will waste more time on the road, which he could have used to study.

TPO 37-Task6参考答案

The professor talks about two ways photography affected painting. One way is that painters can use photos as a tool to help them paint more realistically. Before photography, it is hard to depict moving objects. Now they can capture fleeting moments and use photos as a basis for their paintings. For example, photography can capture the motions of the legs of a running horse in midair, so painters can use it to paint a galloping horse. Another way is that painters will paint in a more conceptual, abstract way, because they want to contrast their art with realistic photography. So they stop painting realistically and start painting abstractly. For example, if they paint people, instead of using natural colors to paint the skin tones, they use colors like green, blue, purple, which are not realistic.




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