







2024-10-14 10:51:19来源:网络





1. One problem is that wolves are highly effective predators, and their reintroduction upsets the balance of the local ecosystem. In Yellowstone National Park, for example, the elk population declined by more than 50 percent during the first fifteen years after wolves were introduced. (Elk are large plant-eaters that influence the growth of many plants and provide food for predators other
than wolves, such as bears.)

2. A second problem is that wolves present an economic threat in the areas where theyare introduced. For example, there are quite a few livestock ranches that border naturere serves and state parks where wolves havebeen reintroduced. Wolves have been known to attack large livestock such as sheep. Thus, many ranchers fear that the reintroduction of wolves will result in serious economic losses for them.

3. A third problem is that wolves present a direct danger to humans. Wolf packs tend to do well in the environments in which they are introduced, so their population grows over time, and eventually they spread into new territory, places where they come into more frequent contact with people. This is especially true in national parks, where people gather to explore and appreciate nature. Introducing wolves to these areas creates a serious risk for the people who visit the areas or live in them.


1. First, it's true that reintroduction of wolvesto Yellowstone park reduced the elk population, but it's not true that this harmed the ecosystem. On the contrary, you see, originally more than one hundred years ago, both elk and wolves lived in the Yellowstone. ecosystem. But when the wolves disappeared from Yellowstone, the elk population became unnaturally large. The elks started overgrazing the vegetation in the park, endangering many plants that were important in that ecosystem. Bringing wolves back to Yellowstone has actually restored the natural balance in the park. It stopped the overgrazing of vegetation by the elks, and because of that, many important plants were able to recover

2. The passage also claims that ranchers are afraid they will lose a lot of their sheep and other livestock to wolves. Well, wolves typically attack farm animals only if their natural wild food is too scarce. But wild animals that wolves prey on are plentiful in the areas where the wolves have been reintroduced. And even if some wolves do harm livestock, the rancher is paid for damages out of a government fund. So in practice, there is no real economic threat to farmers from the introduction of wolves.

3. Third, wolves posing a danger to humans. Well, people tend to be afraid of wolves just like they're afraid of any large predator. What's probably contributing to the sphere is that since the reintroductions, people who have been hearing wolves in areas where wolves haven't lived for many decades. Wolves howling is very loud and can sound very frightening if you're not used to it. But the fear of wolves is not really based on fact. There have been very few documented wolf attacks on humans in the united states, and none of them involved reintroduced wolves


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