







2024-10-18 10:59:15来源:网络




主题: whether the mask is a fake


1. First, Schliemann had a history of fake discoveries. For example, Schliemann once bought an ancient statue from someone, took it to a site that was being excavated, and then claimed to have discovered the statue there. We should be skeptical about the warrior king's mask, given Schliemann's dishonest behavior on other occasions.

2. Second, there are notable differences between Schliemann's mask and genuine ancient Greek masks that have been found in other tombs. Schliemann's warrior king mask has a mouth with well-defined lips. Other Greek masks have mouths that are more or less flat. Also, the warrior king's mask has a pointed beard that doesn't resemble the facial hair represented on any of the other gold masks.

3. Third, Schliemann closed the site where he was excavating soon after the mask was found. That seems quite suspicious. Most archaeologists would have continued to work at the site after finding such an object in the hope of gaining knowledge about it. Many questions about the mask-whom it represented, what its function was—could have possibly been answered by further examination of the site. Schliemann's abrupt closing of the site indicates that he did not need to find out more about the mask because he knew it was a fake.


1. First, it's true that Schliemann had a reputation for dishonesty. But precisely because of this reputation, his work was actually closely watched by others. The Greek government took seriously the accusations of Schliemann's dishonesty. So they appointed a supervisor to oversee his work and make sure he didn't do anything dishonest. This supervisor washed Schleimon closely. It's unlikely that Schliemann could have placed a fake mask in the tomb without being caught.

2. Second, although Schliman's mask differed from many other Greek masks, there was another artifact found at the same site, whose features were similar to Schliman's mask. This other artifact, which is clearly old and clearly authentic, was a gold ceremonial object in the shape of a lion's head. The lion's lips are well defined looks like those on the king's m. And the lion has a beard whose overall shape and finer details make it similar to the beard on the king's mask. It looks like the same ancient goldsmith made both objects. The lion's head and the king's mask discovered by Schlieman. That would suggest that the mask is genuine.

3. Third, the timing of the excavation's closing might seem strange if an archaeologist working today did that. But in Schliemann's time, it would have been quite normal. See, like many archaeologists of his time, Schliemann was something of a treasure hunter. He was primarily interested in finding valuable objects, not in understanding the cultures that produce those objects. And he was experienced enough to know when a site's most valuable objects had been found.
Soon after finding the gold mask of the warrior king, he concluded there wasn't anything of value left at the site, so he stopped exploring. Summarize the points
made in the lecture. To explain how they cast doubt on the specific points made in the reading.


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